First Meeting

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Dear dairy,

Today was a special day. Because I met the friends of my brother today.
I was so nervous.😱
Okay lets start with the whole story.

Today i woke up with a call from Felix. I'm still in Australia and he only calls me in the evening or if something is wrong, so i was a little woried when I saw his call.
I picked up and said: "Good moring Mate, what's up?" And he said something that got me out of bed. "Jo Sis, come out of bed i have good news. You're going to meet the members today." "Wait, You're in Australia right now? Omgggg" Is what I said. He said yes and told me to get dressed and to get to the park next to our house.
I never got dressed that fast😂 Our mom asked me what I was up to and i said was meeting Felix and the members today. But what I didn't know was that she knew that he was coming. So she just laughed.
She gave me a sandwich and i ran to the park.
The park is not that far away from our house so it toke me only 2 minutes to get there.
When I got there i saw Felix standing with 1 of the members. I ran to him and huged him for more than 5 whole minutes. "I missed you so much bro!" Is what I said. "I missed you to sis, and the members are really excited to meet you." He said while he looked at the person next to us. Felix introducted me to him. His name was Jeongin. He's 1 year older than me. "Hay nice to meet you Y/n, i'm glad that i can meet you." Jeongin said with a shy smile.
Felix and Jeongin toke me to the middle of the park, where we used to hang around when we were little.
I saw the other members playing at the playground. So i laughed.😂 When I got there and the members saw me, they came to hug me and to introduce them self. Everyone was so kind. Even Chan had a surprise for me. He have me a photobook with photos of the trip to europe they had last week. Normally Felix sends me photos of the trips they have but this was a lot more  special.
We eat something and talked a lot.
I was a little shy because Jeongin kept staring at me☺️
After a while i saw a other person walking our way. It was the menager of my brother and the boys. He said said hello to me and told the members that they have to leave for a shooting in Sydney. I was so sad, because I wanted to stay with them.
The members gave me their phone numbers and said goodbye. "I'll call you later today okay?" Felix said while he walked away. Their menager came back to me and gave me his number to. "If you want to come to a concert of you brother, just contact me okay?" is what he said. I answered with okay and went back home.

I'm so happy that i met them. There so sweet for me. Now that i'm writing this, im looking at the photos of their trip. They had a lot of fun there. I love it. Felix called me 10 minutes ago and told me the members enjoyed the day with me. They hope that i coming to there concert next weekend.
Sure i'm going 😍
Ooh, i just got a message from Jeongin saying that he liked it today and finds me a sweet girl.
He's so sweet!

I going to sleep now.
Good night❤️

~ Y/n

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