Something About a Loss

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Disclaimer: Before we jump in, I want to disclose that this chapter talks heavily about miscarriage, and depicts violence and bouts of depression. If it is something you aren't comfortable with, I advise you to skip this one.

In addition, I found this chapter extremely hard to find a finishing point on. I feel it is not as good as my other works, simply because it's sad as fuck. I don't write sad stuff well, and I know this now. Nevertheless, I did it.

I also advise that if you are sad after finishing this, to stream Lights Up.

May 18, 2019

Los Angeles, CA

You were ill, and infallibly ill, at that. Since the days leading up to this very moment, the one where you are splayed over the king size mattress with a thin sheet covering half of your exposed body – you can't decide if you're hot or cold – you swear up and down you have purged at least half of your body weight. Harry, who was as well as a whistle, claimed you just had a stomach bug, but felt confident enough to remain by your side despite the risk of germs.

"I can pop to the shops real quick, get you some ginger ale?... What sounds good, pet?"

Death. Death sounds good.

You don't want to risk moving – or risk any movement, really – for the sole sake of your sensitive stomach that is one head acknowledgement away from projectile vomiting like you were in a poorly casted remake of The Exorcist. You can sense Harry standing beside you, and after a beat with no response, he reaches his hand out and holds it front of your mouth to confirm you are still indeed breathing.

"You still with me, sweets?" You wiggle your toe rapidly. "Is that a yes...?" Wiggle. "Alright, I'll be back in a bit, okay? You want anything else? Crackers?" He's met with silence, but he watches you from the doorway – giving a subtle glance to your big toe – and nods to himself. "Is it okay if I take y'car? Mine's low on petrol and I don't feel like—"

"Keys in purse," you mumble into your pillow, pulling a hand free from the sheets and pointing somewhere towards the corner of the room.

"Right," he spots the Gucci bag hanging on the closet door. "I won't be long."

But be long, he did, but it wasn't his fault, really. He had to remind himself he couldn't get sidetracked, that he had a sick girlfriend back home waiting for him, so he needed to promptly check off his mental grocery list and be out the door before you could say Harry Styles. But, it's right as he's awkwardly carrying three Canada Dry's, and beginning to regret passing on grabbing a basket, that he hears it.

"Harry Styles!"

It was a few photos and a video of a cool hat trick later that he finally found himself tucked away safely back in your car.

"Alright, sicky, I'm home." He nudges the bedroom door open with a light kick and sets the bag of drinks down on the end of the bed. Where he left you, just a mere thirty minutes before, is now empty, and he spots where you kicked off the sheets in a clear haste; it was no telling where you are now. He can hear the harsh guttural retching from the bathroom door, and with a peek inside, there you were, lay stark naked on the opaque tiles. "Blood hell, pet."

"I think I've fallen ill," you mutter against the toilet seat. That was a major understatement if he's ever heard one. This was the second day you've been stumbling into the bathroom at all hours of the day, seemingly fine just moments before. It was hard telling how much longer this could last, but Harry already decided by tomorrow he was willing to take you to the doctor if no symptoms have let up.

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