Something About a Beginning

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July 3, 2019

London, England

Harry lost his girl.

She vanished in the night – gone with the wind – and all that remained was a ghost of a woman, transparent and bleak. He hasn't seen her smile since that night, coming close to a week now, and his gut retches at the thought he might never get his girl back.

She's buried herself in the sheets; the window is opened a crack, and he spots an empty bottle of melatonin laying overturned on her bedside table. He stares intently at her body, watching as the sheets rise and fall to the pattern of her placid breathing, and he thinks for a moment that she's finally found herself a better place. Not dead—not by any means. Whatever dream world she has found herself delved in, he knows she might have found a sliver of peace there, hopefully smiling.

"She's sleeping, mum." Harry says into his phone, taking a step back to gently close the bedroom door. "Rande and Cindy invited us to Muskoka but..." His words hung in the air, like the elephant in the room, but his mother knew all too well what was lingering on the precipice of her sons' tongue.

But she's too depressed.

But she can't go a day without crying.

But I don't think she has the energy to leave the house.

It's been four days since the attack, and Harry hasn't seen her take a step outside of their bedroom.

"Love, she's wasting away in there. It might help her a little to get out, get some sun..."

"Mum, I can't even get her to sit in the fucking garden." He can hear his mother's nettled sigh on the other end of the line, but how can anyone expect him to put her on a mother fucking airplane if she can't even bother to walk the 30 meters to the fucking garden? "The sodding paps were outside the house last night."

"They can't—"

"I'm aware." He begins to descend his way down the stairs, stopping to peer out from the front window – an old, worn out habit. "I think it's best we get away for a bit. The story hasn't died down... I think it'll help—getting away. They won't bother us there."

Harry knew your answer before he even had the chance to ask; he knew he was wasting his time in even suggesting such a thing, but the guilt would eat away at him if he didn't even try.

"Muskoka...Canada, remember? We went there last year." He sat at the edge of the bed, running a hand over the sheets where a peek of your shoulder laid exposed. "It'll be quiet. Nobody there to bug us. If you want to just hang out in the hotel room the whole time, I'd be fine with that. It's just..."

I can't stand to see you burrowed away another day.

"I'm really worried about you... I'm just trying to help." He was powerless, and he knew it. He couldn't take her by the arm and force her on a plane, but god forbid he try his damned hardest. "No paps, nobody. I promise. I wouldn't take you there if it wasn't safe."

He feels a stir beneath him, and from underneath the covers, a small hand inches outward and lays upward, a silent plea for intimacy—a piece of familiarity he hasn't touched in days. He reaches out and clasps her hand in his, and readjusts himself to lay beside her.

"You can think about it. I don't need an answer this second, but give it a day or two, okay?"

He sees her nod, and her eyes blink open to meet his, only for a second, before they are closed once again for the remainder of the night.

July 6, 2019

Ontario, Canada

Muskoka came and went. Nothing advantageous to really capture your attention, though you kept your head nestled low in a book for most of your stay. You tossed a couple Stephen King novels into your bags without much thought, and by the time your trip was coming to an end, you had already completed one and started another.

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