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Am I the only one who wonders if, really, we’re all just trapped in our minds? Like, if we were to break down the barriers, we would be able to really see, to really think, to really hear. To actually understand the world, you know? This is just an introduction. Welcome to: Rants That Make Me Sound Emo, so I’m Putting Them of Wattpad!

Death. Such a simple word, yet one we all wish to avoid. Not me, though! I like to be as realistic as possible, and if that means being the only person in the world who will rant about death, then I will. So, death. What is it? What does it mean? A lot of people wonder it, but I’m one of the ones who will go into a rant of it. Death is the ending of a person’s life. We know that. But many believe it’s the beginning of a new life, and I believe that, too. Yes, I believe in a Heaven and a Hell. I think that we don’t just end. I believe that there’s more to life than what happens on Earth. I know a lot of you guys don’t believe it, but I do. We all die, but do we like to admit it? Nope. But we’re all ‘going home’, as my dad says, and that’s really okay. We are. I believe we’re going home, and that the Father will be there to meet us. But maybe he won’t. Maybe it’s all a hoax. Maybe once we’re dead, we stay dead. Or maybe there’s only Hell. Nobody really knows. Not until we go ourselves. And then, we won't be able to share our stories. We'll be gone, our voices dead from the world forever. We can never return, not truly. We will be memories until the end of time, never truly dying, but gone from the world of the living.


Okay, I promise that the rants will get longer. I'm also going to post my Language Arts 'I Believe' essay. It's about how much I believe in reading, and I managed to talk about how reading too much could lead to death and destruction. That'll be the next chapter.

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