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    "Hey kids!" Colt's dad yells over the radio, which, unfortunately for our ears, is at the max level, so the yell is more than max level. He is pretty much always over max level, in everything.

    Built with strong muscles, long legs, astounding forearms, and abs enough for a store full of coke, Kev is pretty much everything Colt wants to be. He, like, goes to the gym with him on Sundays.

    "IT'S PIZZA TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Kev shouts. He is the kind of dad who tries to be hip, knows he's failing, but does it anyway. To us 14-year-olds,  he is like an old dead meme from middle school rearing its ugly head once again in your life, exactly when you need it the absolute least. I sigh, but can't be heard over Kev's clamouring.

     Colt's cheeks flame up.  "Dad, you're embarrassing me…"

     "*Eyebrow wiggling intensifies*" Kev says, as if I were not also blushing.

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