Dr. Taylor Elizabeth Hartman

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Greys Anatomy character XD

Name: Taylor Elizabeth Hartman

Relationships: Mark Sloan and Alex Karev

Job: Neurosurgeon

Birthday: December 15th

Birthplace: Vermont, USA

Place of residence: Owns an apartment until she moves into Meredith's house. Seattle, Washington.

She is very good friends with Preston Burke and Miranda Bailey. When the interns come, Alex initially has a crush on her but thinks nothing of it. They sleep together for a lil while until she blows him off for Mark Sloan. Her and Mark date until he dumps her for Addison. She stays single for a long time until after Cristina's failed wedding, where she and Alex impulsively sleep together that night, both of them being in bad head spaces. They agree the next day it means nothing. They both have crushes on each other for a long time until they finally get pushed together by Izzie and Miranda.

Taylor has become close friends with Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, and Derek. George is a friend she talks to sometimes but doesn't approve of Callie. She warned George about Callie but he didn't listen. She confides her love life in Mer, Cristina, and Izzie. When her and Alex start dating she tells them not to tell George or Chief Webber. She starts to favor Alex subconsciously. She's warned by Izzie that if she doesn't pull it together soon, Chief Webber will find out. She pulls through and tells Richard that her and Alex are together.

One day, Cristina overhears a conversation and it leads her to believe that Alex is cheating on Taylor with Addison. She tells Taylor and Taylor freaks out on Alex, letting it slip that he's "made her fall in love with him just to break her heart". He tells her that he was talking to Addison but it was about how much Taylor meant to him. He tells her he loves her and they have a moment.

They eventually get engaged and marry. On their honeymoon they agree to try for kids in two years. After those two years are up, Taylor informs the Chief that she is taking time off. Word travels fast and Cristina argues with her about leaving, saying how she can stay on while she's pregnant. They end up in a yelling match where Taylor says, "I love this job and I love my husband. But when it comes down to choosing one, i love my husband more." She runs off and finds comfort in Alex.

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