Part 3

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"Beans?!" Jesus replied in confusion. "Aren't those, weird human snacks?"
"Yes of course they are but they would fit PERFECTLY in a humans body!" replied God smirking.
"I need you to go on a mission for me, i need you to collect a human for me to experiment on. You have one week to complete the deadline and if not back by then, you will suffer the consequences." god said looking at jesus with a stern look.
"O-o-ok" replies jesus sad that he would have to say goodbye to his beloved god.
Jesus pondered, why hadn't god-sama acknowledged his feelings he didn't understand.
Jesus began to pack, he prepared a bag with the essentials to live on Earth for a week and  said his goodbyes to his lover.
"Remember Jesus, you cannot let any of the humans know who you are!"
With god-sama's words circling through his head Jesus flew down to Earth.

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