Part 1: Earth

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Jesus looked down at the feeble humans as he circled around in the sky. Those that he had control over, and those that could possibly take his lover away. The one he had set his whole life towards, and the one he would do anything for.
Jesus glanced at a high school that was within the area and proceeded to fly over there. Once at the high school Jesus dressed up in a perfect disguise and walked inside to scope out the area. The teenagers would be perfect samples for God, he would be pleased at the sacrifice Jesus is going to make. And maybe then, will God realise his love for Jesus, and the two of them can finally be together.
But none of that mattered right now, Jesus needed to fit in, he listened into the dialect of those who were at the high school.
"And dude, I just straight up got kicked out the house be my dad, apparently fucking my mum was too much for him, honestly."
"Yeah man, your mum is dead ass, super hot."
The three of them laughed together, Jesus wondered what was so comedic about this as Jesus turned the corner and looked forward, only for a young girl to walk right into him.
"Watch where you're going dumbass." chanted the girl as she walked away from the scene.

Only then had Jesus realised what kind of mess he'd gotten himself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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