Chapter 1

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~Author's note~
Hey kiddies! So this is my first story on wattpad. Yay!! So this may not be any good... it's more like a test run and I would appreciate honest criticism. THANK YOU! Anyways , now to the story, read on ≧﹏≦

~You wear a mask so long you forget who you are underneath. ~


Emotions collide in a world of chaos. All is lost in the darkness and that is accepted to be....but a ray of light can't help but to cast itself upon one girl whose mind is thought to have been lost, and that ray of light, in all it's beauty,splendor, and's promises can't help but inflict pain and sorrow in the girls conflicted mind. Yet,she blindly reach out her wiry fingers to the light hoping that one day she would be free of this void. Free to spread her wings in the vast blue sky. Yet she doesn't realize that torn wings cannot fly.

Her body... ,battered and abused by the harshness of this world, will never feel pleasure again. Her dull and cold eyes will never cast it's sights upon the golden orb. Foolishly she is distracted by the ray of light that she doesn't realize she's spiraling..... spiraling deeper into the void... where all hope is lost,where there is No light, where there is No joy.

-Fool!- I scream out.

-Don't you see what's going on around you? You're breaking! You're losing yourself. Do my words mean nothing to you?! Why? Why do you choose to hear the words that only hurt you?! Can't you see I'm trying to help you?Tell me....Don't you notice your own tears?-

Somewhere from in my subconscious a voice whispers

-Don't you get it? Your staring at the reflection of yourself.-

She then turns to me and say

-I am the person that lives behind your tell me. Why do you shut me out..why won't you let me free?? I want to be free!! Let me out!!! Let me be free!!!-She cries out in anguish. Tears form in my eye.

-I can't- my body trembles.

-whyyyyy!!!- hatred leaks into her voice.

-Because, the world is a cruel sad place where they break people like you.I don't want that to happen- I then seal the door connecting me and my reflection. Her fist connect with the door. She screams out in rage.

-No!! Don't leave me in here!!I don't want to be shut out!- but it is too late. I place my mask on and hide her presence from the rest of the world.

-I will protect you,my inner self,....I will not be broken.-.

Yes my first story is complete for once my laziness didn't win! <(@ ̄ ̄@)>Any who feel free to vote and comment.... that will be much appreciated. ω

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