Chapter 13 *POV OF DARKMOON*

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    My mother always kept me inside... Just like my aunt. It was bad enough that when I was little my mother got locked up on the moon... My father was defeated by my mother and Aunt then... The harmonys... my Aunt says that I'm evil because my of my father the way was.... But my powers are different... I help my mother with the moon but I can change the colors of the moon's... and turn the moon different dark sides. But my mother doesn't want me helping. In fact she's worried that the kids would be scared of me. Thee princess was locked up... Pathetic. She said my Powers are different... That there like my father's and that their not good she told me to never use my horn.  Twilight does research on me to see if I'm safe. She said I was the Queen of Insanity... With Insanity Harmony's. Twilight Sparkle looked at me with Amazed. *Puts down ears* my mother ashamed of me...  but my mother understand... one night she saw I was crying she bent down to my bed."My sweet little Star. Do you think I want you to be locked up with us. It's order of the Princess. " She put a hoof around my neck. " Who was my father? " " Well... We thought was a Handsome man... But pure evil stranded near thee. He was made the same way Nightmare moon was... You're made out of Insanity like us and Your Father. We know how you feel... Sorrow and Sadness. But we must keep The kingdom safe. I wish I could sing you a little Lullaby... the princess sang us a Lullaby. " "My mother I could hear her as well... ♪once did a  pony who shined like the sun. Looked out at her kingdom and sighed. She smiled and said "surely there's no pony so lovely and so beloved as I. "♪ My mother Sang ♪ Once was a pony whose moon shone so bright,The stars were in awe at its glow.She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony who'd dare be asleep through this marvelous show"♪ "Mother you shine more Beautiful than aunt. I stare at your Beautiful work.  No pony could ever get it's perfect. " "Now sleep my night child... see you when the moon rises OK my beautiful Star "  so I nodded she flew away. Then when my mother had to stay by my aunt's side . I felt lonely till one of the harmonys kidnapped me and I met a while colt.  He was so handsome. handsome as the Moon light.  But no pony told me that Insanity is attached to being attacked by men.  My eyes probably give off a different sign. * Says in a degested voice *I guess a sexy despite mare. But that one colt saw through my eyes.  But I never knew what his cutiemark meant.  But his name was LightDark.  But I think what it means.... There's always light but there's always the dark.  Then he took me under his wings... The work was hard but what I've learn. Is Sorrow and Kindness.  My job was a bittersweet moment. Rudes die Sorrowly and ones that Feared... Died Kind.  My mother doesn't talk much about father. Saying he tricked her into believing stupid lies. About how the we be together forever. My Aunt says he was a Cruel man that need to end his ran of terrane. I wanted to know father not by a Stain glass. A gray Clot  with A lovely horn Dark glowy eyes. He was the Knight of the red Crystal. Took over by Nightmares. Pony's say he was Horrible but my mother Wanted to stay by his Side. But my Aunt forbid it saying Thy should not get involved with evil. My mother said my coat will turn into his Color...I wish I could see LightDark.... He would be great to talk to right now.... *Stares out castle Balcony doors .Starring at the moon and stars *...My mother will never understand... My father could've loved me but they Trap him away. *Sighs * Soon... I'll be older to fly out.

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