Jesus, they are all sexy!

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It all started at the end of college.

"I can't believe this is it. We finally graduated." Alexa said as we walked out of our auditorium. Alexa had blonde hair, but she often dyes it red, and she was only 5'5.' She was one of my best friends ever since Jr. High and we surprisingly stayed together through high school. We both dreamed of working on stage, it was the big thing that brought us together. Sure, I majored in Neurology, but I minored in musical theater for a reason.

"I can't believe it." I said excitedly.

"Right! It seems like only yesterday we were on the school bus obsessing over hot guys." Alexa said with a laugh.

"Uh, we still do." I replied. Sure, we were definitely girly girls when it came to cute guys, but we could always get serious when necessary. All of a sudden, a man in a suit and tie walked up to me and asked to talk to me in private.

"Is there an issue?" I asked.

"No, in fact, it's something I believe you'll be quite interested in." I raised my eyebrows in confusion. He took off his sunglasses and put them in his pocket. "You are one of the few people in the country who we can trust." The man said.

"I'm sorry. I'm confused, uh, who are you?" I asked.

"I am apart of The Strategic Homeland Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Or SHIELD for short." The man said. "We want you to work for us."

"Why do you want me?" I asked. I sure as hell wasn't that special.

"Ellen," Ok, where'd he learn my name? Just go all formal on me dude. "You know how the brain is affected by music. In most studies, music can help save people. We want you to be a personal therapist for the Winter Soldier."

Oh shit. This guy was serious.

"You will have to show him pieces of music, and we hope that it will help him remember everything he lost." The man said.

"But, there are still so many people you could have chosen from. Why me?" I asked.

"Since Hydra hacked SHIELD, many of the people we trusted have gone under and no longer believe in us... We can't exactly trust them either. But, you have never worked with any government agencies that were apart of the attack, and we might've performed a few background checks." He said the last part slowly.

"So, you want me to work for SHIELD?" I asked.

"Yes. You see, we know of all of your activities you have done. Helping children with disabilities by showing them music, being in all different types of bands and musicals..... You're work has been noticed."

"Well, when you put it that way." I replied slyly.

"Please. We desperately need you." He said, "Are you in?"

"Um, sure!!" I said.
I ruffled with my top as I sat waiting for a guide to lead me around a building. Yep, here I was 2 weeks later at Avengers Tower. Today is the day I meet everyone.... And by everyone, I mean the Avengers.

"Jarvis, remind me that Capsicle needs to get laid soon. He just asked me if sex has changed since the 1940's and I just about smacked him." A voice said. I looked up from my seat in the lobby to see Tony Stark walking down the hallway. He walked over to me, "You're the new chick, right?" He asked.

"Yes. You're Tony Stark, I assume." I replied. He smiled.

"Was it that obvious?" He asked.

"Just a little." I said.

"Well, yeah, that's me. So, you're going to help the Tin Man come back into society with music?" He asked.

"Yes, at least, I hope I can." I said as I nodded my head.

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