Non-Avengers Assemble!

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Bucky's POV
I woke up to somebody shaking me.

"Bucky, wake up!" Steve said as he shook me. I shook my head and got up. I looked around to find myself in a booth surrounded by the rest of the Avengers. The club had mostly emptied out and people were cleaning.

"Was I that high?" I asked.

"Yeah, you were. Hey, where's Ellie?" Steve asked. I looked around and she was nowhere in sight.

"What a party!!!!!!" Alexa said, "Now, who wants some more shots??" She left the question in the air. Tony had his head between his knees.

"I'm never drinking again." Tony said. A waitress passed by with an order of drinks and Tony took one. He downed it in one gulp.

"Where's Bruce?" Maddy asked. She was still a bit drunk, but seemed to be getting better.....slowly. I heard a loud noise and saw the girl Sam was with, crawl up from under the table with him. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." Sam said with a flirtatious smile.

"Ok, we get it you're both pretty. Where's Thor?" Steve asked. A loud crash was heard followed by an 'ow'. I looked over and saw that Thor had a bucket on his head and was slowly crawling out from behind the bar.

"What in Odin's name?" Thor asked. He had a hickey on his neck.

"Man, I didn't even think people could get drunk on Bloody Mary's." Abby said.

"How many did you drink?" Natasha asked. Thor sat up and closed his eyes as he thought. He held up his fingers as he mentally counted. He started slowing down around 25 and stopped at 34

"You had 34 Bloody Mary's?" I asked.

"I think." He said. All of a sudden, Jordan popped up next to Thor.

"Well, that was pleasant!" She said and brushed her hair back.

"Jordan you are acting......normal?" Tony said and then proceeded to vomit in a nearby trash can.

"I seem normal to drunk people." She said and took a sip of water.

"Guys!!! Where's Ellie?" I asked. They all looked at each other. They didn't know. Clint came in through the front door.

"Um, guys?" Clint asked.


"Um, Ellie might've just gotten kidnapped, and I might've killed a cat." Clint said. I jumped up and ran outside with the rest of the group. There was a dead cat nearby. Abby looked at it.

"Clint!!!! How did you kill the fucking cat?" She asked.

"I was trying to shoot Ellie's kidnappers and I never realize that the arrow was positioned backwards." He said. The cat had an arrow shot right threw the center.

"Dude, this is unconstitutional!!!!" She screamed. I picked him up by his shirt and pressed Clint against a wall.

"Bucky!!" Steve screamed.

"Don't 'Bucky!' me. It's his fault that Ellie got kidnapped. If he hadn't been drunk he could've saved Ellie."

"Hey, let's calm down. Maybe, she is at Applebee's?" Abby said. We all looked at her.

"Jeez, guys. It's not a dick, don't take it so hard." She said. Tony began silently laughing and then ran over and puked in a trash can.

"Ok, well. Her kidnapping is not necessarily my fault." Clint said.

"What do you mean???" I asked. He sighed and looked down. I shook him. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I was able to make out the symbol the kidnappers were wearing." He said.

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