chapter twenty-nine

987 36 3

Updated: July 22, 2015

Revised: July 2020


I sat patiently on the couch waiting for Penelope to come back inside. Since Isabella was upstairs, I had nobody that I wanted to converse with. Sighing, I buried my head in my hands. That's when I heard coughing coming from my right. Snapping my head up, my eyes met a pair of brown ones. Smiling at me, the boy began to walk toward me. My heart rate sped up, and I watched as he took a spot on the couch beside me. Biting down on my lip, I gently squeezed my hands to keep calm. Eventually, he spoke and to my surprise his voice was quite calm. "Hey." Rubbing my arm nervously, I replied with caution "Hi." "I'm sorry if we caused any trouble . My brother can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." Smiling uncomfortably, I decided to shrug it off. "It's fine. I get it." "I'm Abe by the way. The asshole is Adrian and the twins are Alex and Aaron." "Nice to meet you. I'm Annabella." Smiling kindly at him, I shook his awaiting hand. "It's very nice to meet you Annabella." He smiled, bowing his head lightly. "Would you like anything to drink?" I asked, trying to be nice. I didn't know how the other boys felt about me talking to him, bu frankly I didn't give a shit. "I'm okay. Thank you for offering though." He smiled, his hand brushing mine. Immediately I was filled with warmth, and smiled at the touch. It was so soft, so gentle, and so welcoming all at once. Pulling my hand away from his, I watched as a frown displayed across his features. "C'mon, let's get you something." Standing up from my spot on the couch, he gripped onto my hand as we made our way toward the kitchen.

 Just at that moment, the front door was swung open and Penelope hurriedly rushed inside. I went to go say something to her, but Louis had to kill the moment by shooting me a cold look. "What was that all about?!" I snapped, glaring at Lou. "Don't push me right now Anna. I am not in the mood." Scoffing at him, I looked to Abe who's grip had tightened around my wrist even more. As he began his decent up the stairs, I added in another comment. "When aren't you?" Turning around, Louis shot me an even darker look. Well fuck. As his eyes trailed behind me, he clenched his jaw. "And what are you doing with him? Get the fuck away from him." I immediately dropped my hold on Abe, and backed away. "Go find Harry." He snapped, and then turned to face Abe. "And you go find your brothers and stay the hell out of trouble." Abe dropped his head, and I watched as he sadly walked off. I hated Louis. Hearing laughter from behind me, I spun around and glared upon seeing Zayn. "Mind your own!" I snapped, shoving him out of my way and entering the kitchen. Calum and Michael were both in there, with Calum bent over the sink. "What the hell happened here?" I asked, walking over to them. Calum turned to face me, and that's when I noticed his busted nose. "What happened to you?" "Nothing Annabella. I just said something to one of them and it pissed them off." Shoving Michael out of the way, I shooed him out of the kitchen. "Come on. Let's get you properly cleaned up." Refraining from arguing with me, Calum nodded his head and followed after me as I headed up the stairs.

Leading us to his bedroom, I opened his door and lead him to his bathroom. "Now you stand there, while I get you cleaned up." "Okay doctor." He reported sarcastically. Leaning up against the counter, he waited patiently for me as I dug around in his cupboards trying to find the correct medical supplies. Pulling out a box, I searched through it until I found some anti-bacterial cream, washcloth and antibacterial spray. Grabbing a tissue, I sprayed it down before turning my attention to Calum's busted nose. "This might sting." Touching the material to his nose, he winced and pulled away. "Holy shit! That hurts!" Laughing at his reaction, I crossed my arms. "Really now? I expected more from a werewolf." "Oh hardy har har." He grimaced sarcastically. Returning my attention to his wound, I then dampened the washcloth and instructed him to hold it to his nose whilst I finished up. "Now give me the cloth." I instructed. Handing it to me, I gently wiped away the dried blood, but he continued to wince at the contact. "I'm sorry Calum." I sighed. "No, it isn't your fault. I'm just being a pussy." "I mean I wasn't going to say anything, but you kind of are." I joked. Calum chuckled lightly, and looked at me. "Thank you for doing this. It was awfully kind of you, really." Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, I continued to dab his nose. "Of course Cal. Anything for you."

Laughing nervously at my response, I licked my lips. After a moment of silence, Calum spoke up again. "Hey Anna" "Yeah?" I asked, my heart fluttering for some reason. "Do you get mad easily?" Furrowing my eyebrows together, I momentarily dropped my hands away from his face. "Why would you ask that?" Shrugging his shoulders, he looked around the bathroom, "I don't know. I was just curious I guess." Tending to his nose again, I decided to answer him. "I guess it just depends on the situation, as well as the person." "Oh." Nodding my head, I continued to rant. "What is the context of the situation?" "This one." He whispered, pointing to the floor. Since he moved, I poked his nose making him wince in pain. "Would you quit moving and let me help you?" I asked, now annoyed with the boy. "Sorry love." "It's fine. I just care about you, y'know?" I smiled, looking into his eyes. "I care about you too, a lot." He smiled. Offering him a small smile, I began to lightly sing. Calum stared at me in silence for quite some time, before breathing out loudly. "Wow." "What?" I asked, looking into his eyes again. "You have a lovely voice." Once again I blushed, and denied his comment. "No really! And I can prove it." "Oh yeah? And how would you do that?" I scoffed. Except he didn't reply. "Calum?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows. Once more he stayed silent, and only then did I drop my hands away from him. "Cal-" Before I could finish my sentence though, he cut me off with a kiss.

Shocked at the gesture, the wet cloth fell from my hands. Wrapping his arms around my waist, I went with the flow and draped mine across his neck. Twirling his hair with my fingers, I felt him nibble on my bottom lip begging for entrance. Accepting it, I felt him smile into the kiss.

(This message was very old from the first time I wrote the book, so that's why the timing doesn't make sense.)

(A/N) Sorry this was so short, and I am so so so sorry this took so long to update! This will not happen again, I can guarantee you that! I have just been busy with soccer, and school lately but now that Thanksgiving break is around the corner, I'll have plenty more time! Anyways, as most of you know it's the month of November! That means that for the whole month of November, it is dedicated to diabetes month! I am happy to say that I am participating in a challenge, where you wear a pump with insulin for the whole month of November! You sleep with it, go to school with it, and everything! You are allowed to disconnect it when showering, or playing a sport though! Once a week, I will change the pad -the sticky stuff holding it together- and that's it! Two of my best friends are diagnosed and I am so proud of them! They are both such beautiful girls, with beautiful families and friends who support them 100% They also are amazing soccer players, and don't allow it to affect them. They are so strong and inspirational! I love them with all my heart, and will support them forever! So please help me out by participating! There is no needle involved so it doesn't hurt! But I could really use your support and I know it'd not only help me but my two gorgeous sisters as well!

@kaitlyn_loves_soccer and @hayleykinsey

You girls are so strong and beautiful and don't let anyone bring you down! I'll always be here if you need me <3

So join me and @giovanna_alexis_ and help us support our girls ^^^^ for the month of November! And don't forget WEAR GRAY ON NOVEMBER 14TH! It'd mean so much and I'd really appreciate it! Thanks guys! And don't forget...I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Past Is The Past (Sequel to Adopted By One Direction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu