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Tuesday 5:25 am

"Maggie oh my fucking God." Ivy yells casually strolling her way into my room. God, she's lucky I'm awake right now. I look towards her as she throws herself onto my bed before turning back to the mirror in front of me to finish my makeup. "Yes." I mumble, watching her through the mirror in front of me. "Why did she ashk Celia?" She mumbles as she puts a pillow over her face. "What?" I say doing a full turn in my chair so I'm now facing her. "Why did Arlin ask Celia?" She replies moving her hands with her every word. I sigh before turning back around to do my makeup. "It's like a yearly thing, they've done it since his freshman year." I respond as she comes behind me and plays with my hair. "Fuck, why can't he just be into me. Like oh, I don't know, said he was." I feel for her I really do. But I expected something like this to come, especially when she was bringing him up more than he does her. I'll give it to her, I think Arlin likes her, but not as much as he is in love with Celia. Since like the 3rd grade in love with her.

Tuesday 6:28 am

Monty: Why is Ivy texting me?

Margot: Abt what exactly?

Monty: Arlin...

"Ivy," I say as I walk into the living room. "Monty wants you to stop texting him." I add. I follow her into the kitchen as she reaches down into the fridge to pull out the milk. "I didn't. Text him I mean. Like what would we even have to talk about." She says as she pops a few Cheerios in her mouth. Fuck it. It's not my place, I don't need to be getting in other people's business. So... I don't plan on it anymore. This will be the last time though. Ivy is my girl, I can't leave her hanging. "The best way to get over someone, a trip. After hoco, me and you. Laguna beach for the rest of the weekend?" I ask hoping that she'll say yes. I don't even need the trip I'm just tired of being here. In this town with all these people that I can't seem to get rid of. Ivy is one of those people, but in this case, she's one of those people who need my help and a good vacation if you ask me.

I sit down in the stool closest to me as she lifts another spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "You down," I question making my way from her spoon to her eyes. "Okay, fine." She says with a mouthful of cereal. "Yay! Party in Laguna baby." I say jumping out of my seat in excitement. " No. No. No! No parties! Just a girl's trip. No boys needed." She says sternly pointing her spoon at me defensively. Fine. No parties in Laguna, but I still plan on throwing an after party on Saturday. And Ivy isn't going to stop me. It's not my fault she moved in during homecoming week.

Tuesday 9:47 pm

This class is going on for so long. God just one more year after this one. Just one more. Thank you, Jesus. "Maggie." Arlin whispers from beside me. "Do you need, something?" I question turning my body to face him. "I was just going to ask about the hoco party. But it's fine ill text Ivy since you have an attitude." He mumbles as he drops his head down to look at his paper again. An absolute waste of my time. That's what I call this situation. A waste. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and go to pull it out. When I notice it's Monty who texted me it makes me dread reading it.

Monty: Come over tonight?

Margot: Ah... Can't cheer stuff iykyk.

Monty: Oh, okay. After?

Margot: So much homework. Hey, gtg rn I'll text you later.

I thought it was great that we worked out our problems. I also thought it was great that we were going to start dating again. But just two problems. One, he hasn't asked me to homecoming. It's Tuesday which means 3 days until homecoming. And I haven't been asked. And on top of that last night, he had the nerve to put something on his Instagram saying he was gonna take me. Can you believe it? Cause I certainly can't. And two, every time I see him he says I love you. And you're probably like Maggie, calm down! He's being nice, showing affection, showing that he loves me. No, at this point he's shoving the words down my throat until I say it back. I'm just aggravated, uncomfortable, and it doesn't help that my monthly friend decided to come right before homecoming, and now my FACE IS BREAKING OUT. Great! Can you tell I'm having a breakdown? It's okay. Three more days and then I get a trip to Laguna beach. Just the sand sun and alcohol. My third three favorite things. The first has to be nails, clothes, and alcohol. And second is probably boys, parties, and alcohol. Do you see a common trend?

Tuesday 2:35 pm

"If Monty asks you, we have a cheer dinner tonight, and I will be heading straight home to do homework." I inform Ivy as we make our way through the parking lot and into my car. It's new. Very happy with it. All black Range Rover, thanks to my daddy. As much as I hate his pesky business trips they come with such great gifts. I unlock my car door as Arlin sprints his way over to the car. "Mad boyfriend alert, mad boyfriend alert." He whispers as he runs past me to the football field. Fuck. And following him is none other than Monty Jameson. He looks good in his football uniform. Not gonna lie, even if he is mad at me for God knows what. "Celia said there's no cheer thing tonight." He says sternly as he strides towards me. "Hey, Matthew," I say as one of my ex-boyfriends Matty comes up to my side and gives me a hug. "Celia?" I chose to ask before he gets mad at me for ignoring him. "She's not even on the cheer team so how would she know?" I add questioning Monty. Matty is still hanging around but instead of being by me and Monty he's over on the other side of the car talking to Ivy. "If you don't mind I have to go." I say overhearing Ivy and Matty laugh about something. "Maggie. What's going on?" Monty says lowering his voice so they can't hear us. "I'll text you later." I say unlocking my door and getting in the car. I wait until Monty walks away and Ivy gets into the car before starting it. Fuck. I can't wait to leave.

Tuesday 5:56 pm

"So why aren't we actually going out to dinner?" Ivy asks as she puts her large gold earring in. I sigh as I look at the dress options that I pulled earlier. "He hasn't asked you yet." She says and her voice gets closer as she does. "That's why you're so mad all the time." She says as she sits down on the couch in my closet. "Just help me pick a dress, please. I don't have time for this." I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I'm making Ivy and myself get dressed up to take pictures. We're going to take pictures so Monty thinks I had a dinner to co to tonight. What the fuck is wrong with me. And on top of that Ivy isn't that far off. You know what I'm way too sober for this. "That's why we should go out for real. I know it's Tuesday but hear me out. We have a late start tomorrow, and we already look hot as hell. So why not just go somewhere?" She questions and I'm not gonna lie, she has a good point. Do I argue? Do I not? Do I argue? No fuck it. "Fine, but food first." She leaps up from the couch with excitement as I decide to go with a red dress. I don't even know why I asked her for help if she wasn't going to be any. But oh well.

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