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January Embers: So are we not gonna talk about last night?

January Embers: You boys sleep well ;)))))

Trashmouth: just fine in fact

Trashmouth: and if you excuse me I need to get ready for school and copy Eds homework

Stan The Man: I really do hate waking up in the morning to a million texts from the groupchat alone

January Embers: That's what you get for being friends with us Stan

Stan The Man: I guess

Mike n' Ike: Morning everybody:))

January Embers: Morning Mikey

Mike n' Ike: May I ask a group question?

January Embers: Go ahead

Mike n' Ike: Are Richie and Eddie dating yet?

Stan The Man: I think they're a too stupid to realize they're practically dating

January Embers: Oh they're definitely in love but won't admit it :))))

Spaghetti Head: This is a groupchat with Rich and I in it you know

Spaghetti Head: Stop talking about us shgwhwhskskskskskskskskehvwje

January Embers: I'll talk about you bitches all I want>:3

Benny Ben: Good morning everyone and what's going on?

January Embers: Morning Ben <3 and just read through last nights texts

Benny Ben: Wait Richie and Edie aren't dating??

January Embers: Not yet

Benny Ben: hsvehwjwhwkwhejw

Benny Ben: I sorta thought they were

Mike n' Ike: Honestly saaaame

January Embers: JBEHEJEJEJW XD

Stan The Man: When they start dating they'll get 10 times more annoying

January Embers: I like how Eddie and Richie aren't commenting on any of this

January Embers: I can see you reading these messages skshhwhwvwjw

Trashmouth: im trying to hastily copy down homework stop talking about me svehwhwjhwjwjwiwk

January Embers: Have fun with that Richie

January Embers: Well I gtg to school

January Embers: Hope Reddie knows I'll be bugging them about this all day :)))

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