02 - But all good devils masquerade under the light

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Adam awoke that morning in a similar way he had the day previous, slowly, to light streaming across his face from his windows and to the sound of his parents shuffling out in the hallway. However, this morning, he didn't try to feign sleep and instead got up, pushing himself out from under the warm blankets and braving the chilliness of his room.

However, he was just about to put on his slippers and head downstairs when he heard footsteps stop just outside his door.

"Are you up now, Adam?" His dad asked. He opened the door and the angel was standing outside in the hallway, and blinked. "Oh, yes. You are."

He nodded. "Yeah. Good mornin'."

"Good morning to you too, dear." Aziraphale said. Crowley poked his head out of his and Aziraphales bedroom *, only wearing his thin long-sleeved shirt and black jeans.

* Despite being ethereal beings, both the angel and demon liked to sleep. Crowley more than Aziraphale (he said he was practicing 'sloth'). Aziraphale had only taken up the habit when Adam had came around.

"Mornin' Adam." The demon said. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." He replied. "I dreamed I was being chased by bananas with, like, way too detailed face."

Crowley snorted. "They sound like fun people."

Adam smiled, and the demon smiled back before disappearing back into his room to finish getting dressed. Aziraphale and Adam then headed down stairs together, with the angel leaving to take his normal place at the kitchen table to start reading as Adam headed towards the fridge to get breakfast.

He chose cereal, and was just pouring the milk onto the food when Crowley entered, now fully cladded in his normal outfit. He sat down across from his husband at the table as Adam finished preparing his meal, grabbed a spoon, and sat down at the table as well to eat.

However, after a few moments of silence filled only with the sound of Adam chewing — still groggy, and not in the mood for in depth conversation, Aziraphale flipping the pages of his book and the occasional tapping of Crowleys nails on his phone, there was another sound of ... scratching.

All three looked up. Confused, Adam leaned over * on his chair to see the door leading to the backyard, where the sound was coming from. It started again, seeping through the cracks, followed by a brief whine that seemed like it belonged to an animal.

* So much so he nearly tumbled off onto the floor.

"Is that the dog?" Crowley questioned, throwing glances to the other two beings at the table.

Adam nodded, accidentally drowning some cereal with his spoon. "Yeah, I think so. He was out there all night."

"Should we let him in?" Aziraphale asked, looking between Crowley and Adam. It was up to those two — it was Adams dog, and Crowley hadn't met it yet, so who knew how it would react to another demonic presence.

Crowley paused before answering, then stated. "I'm fine with it."

Adam twisted his mouth in thought and pushed at his cereal with his spoon, letting the pieces float back up to the top. "Alright."

Aziraphale nodded, then stood up and headed towards the back door. From where he sat at the table, Adam couldn't see his dad open the door, but he heard the signature squeak as it opened and the curious bark of a dog from outside.

"You can come in now, it's alright." Aziraphale said. "I think he wants you."

There was happy panting, the sound of long nails on hardwood floor, and then Dog came rushing into the kitchen. Adam watched as it sniffed the air curiously, as if trying to locate a bad smell, but when its eyes fell on his pops it growled, eyes flashing red and teeth bared like a wild animal.

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