Black Like the Shadows

115 5 7

I give this a long thought...

I should stay in this room since it is definitely the safest place to be.

I think Wu Chang should stay but I don't know if I trust White (I am just going with this name for the sake of easy to remember.)



I could ask for Black to come out. I think he would be annoyed at first but he would understand and help.

"Hey White."

White smiles as he pets my head once more.

White: Yes dear?

"I've decided what I want to do."

White: Oh ho? And that choice is?

"I'm staying here and..."

White: and?

"And I want Black to stay here with me."

I swear as I said Black I saw him twitch.

White: Black? Why him over me dear? After all it would just annoy him. I should since I'm well rested.

How about I give you a little more time to think since someone didn't put that as an option.

Here you have a choice now.

Pick wisely dear.

1. White

2. Black

3. %#@*+[>

(Sorry it is shorter but I'm doing better now and ready to continue now!)

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