3: A Reputable Opponent

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It cannot be said that Hayden Berger was a man of humble means or ways.

His father was a golden-tongued sage, a successful orator by the name of Stephen Berger. Diverting himself one evening, Stephen chanced upon a spectacular performance by the well-known actress, Clara Dowell. Drawing upon her name, Stephen thought she'd "do well" by him, and soon the two were happily settled in Trenton, New Jersey.

Being both of them professionals of no meager means, they had no trouble ensuring that their son would want nothing. Anything young Hayden desired, he received. At the same time, his parents had the foresight to teach their young son responsibility, so the attentions did not spoil him. Hayden learned that, though he could have what he wanted, it was far more satisfying in the long run to surround oneself with what one needed, and to have a use for everything. Mr. and Mrs. Berger also contributed to the character of their son by their high achievements and their expectations of him, which molded him into the proud, ruthless perfectionist he was today.

From an early age, Hayden—taking cues from his parents—demanded precise, immaculate surroundings. It brought him good grades as a methodical student, which pleased his parents, so he figured that what he was doing must be correct. It did not win him many friends, (indeed, such demeanor rather repelled them), but Hayden received many awards and honors from teachers and adults, which satisfied him.

When Hayden was five years old, a friend Stephen had known in high school, Tyler Robbins, paid a visit with his wife, Danielle. The Robbinses were considering adopting a child, since they could not have one of their own. The Bergers graciously offered to contribute toward both the adoption process, and the purchase of a small farm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All Stephen and Clara asked in return was that their son be welcomed as a playmate for the child.

The first time eleven-year-old Hayden saw Madison, who was eight at the time, he turned to his mother and said, "That is the most beautiful girl in the whole world!"

"More beautiful than I?" Clara chided her son playfully.

Young Hayden shook his head. "No, you're the world's most beautiful mother. She's the world's most beautiful girl."

Thus an enduring friends hip was born. Hayden never failed to treat Madison with the utmost care and respect. He would faithfully join in her games, and she was always welcome in his.

They went to grade school together, even though Hayden could have gone to an elite academy. He had the idea fixed in his head that he was Madi's guardian, to protect her from those who would do her harm. Bullies were plenty in the little Philadelphia school, but it only took a few fights (most of which he lost) for Hayden to realize that there are certain skills a protector needs to be effective.

To help himself, he consulted a neighbor who had once been an amateur boxer. After a week under Old Wayne's tutelage, Hayden found fulfillment in that he could now put down any enemy of Madi with more efficiency and less mess. All through the years, he stuck by her side. Madi welcomed it, and always greeted him with a special smile that spoke volumes in her eloquent face.

His parents could have sent him anywhere in the world to study, but Hayden chose Ballard College of the Arts in Albany, New York, for two specific reasons: it had a stellar alumni record, and Madison Robbins had expressed her intentions to enroll there.

Hayden chose to major in the Fine Arts, working ceaselessly and methodically toward a master's degree because of his affinity in that area. He soon proved his worth on the stage, and in his sophomore year, he attained the coveted position of Student Head of the Drama Department, second only to the Director.

Finally, three years into his studies, Madi arrived at Ballard. Shortly after her arrival, three things happened to Hayden that changed the course of his life dramatically. 

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