Analysis of Ancient Video Documents

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These creatures endlessly chase each other through a barren wasteland, one always foiling the other.

The terrain is in light, dull oranges and browns.

There are no plants in sight, nor is there water.

The creatures are a biped who makes no sound but “beep-beep” and a silent biped with four limbs, which is always attempting to capture the other by means of complex machines and contraptions.

The “beep”er escapes, always, often by doing things that seem impossible: for instance running on air and travelling into a two dimensional image.

The series of animations convey a metaphor. The humans saw themselves and their science as the four limbed creature, and the universe as the “beep”er. Whenever they tried to understand and capture how the universe worked, the universe would do something that they believed was impossible, forcing them to scrap their ideas and machines and begin over.

The desolate landscape was representative of their loneliness and hopelessness: throughout most of their history they believed that they were the only sentients in the universe, and that they could not get any immediate help from anywhere.

However, they had not lost all hope: the four limbed one often received parcels from a place called “ACME”, containing materials that helped it with it's plans, symbolizing their hope that there was someone else out there somewhere that would someday help them capture how the universe worked.

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