Starting a New Life

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Here I sit in the backseat of a tiny car, cramped in with a variety of different luggage, and a mum fleeing from the town I once called home: Honbridge Bay. I'm bored out of my mind. Not to mention uncomfortable.

If only I didn't have an abusive father, this wouldn't be happening. The little reputation and relationships that I had somehow managed to clutch onto throughout the past 14 years have all been flushed down the drain. Everything that I know is being challenged by moving across the country and starting a new life as if I had never existed in the first place.

I turn the radio up and change the channel to one that was playing a song by the artist "Queen".

The song was upbeat and fun to listen to, like that of a concert. However, time passed slower than it ever had, as my four hours of torture began.

Other cars flew past mine, as did mine to theirs. The four hours in that car felt as if it had been six, and once the car stopped, I immediately felt the urge to open the door and go for a run around my paddock. But when I looked around, there was no paddock to lie in as the grass consumed me, nor was there a large oak tree to provide shade in the hottest of summers. No. There was only a tall brick building and a few small windows scattered throughout it. No air conditioning, and no heating for the winter. It was like a brick box, designed not for comfort, but mere survival when the weather was rough or the birds were preying.

There was no yard or garage, only a space to park the car and a big letterbox to the left of our car. Not even a slight of grass at the front.

It was honestly a dump.

'Here we are!' My mother cheered as if she liked the place.

'Yay...' I grumbled, clearly not as enthusiastic as my mum was. I was certain that she was just glad that she had escaped from our old town and had somewhere to finally live with me in peace; without my father bashing on the door at midnight's, threatening to murder my mother; without living in constant fear of losing ourselves through the screams and tears; without having to bolt the doors shut on days that even my father was absent.

That was all over now, but I missed my few friends from there. They were my support system; a first and last resort to finding myself all over again.

'Here, you can have a rest or stretch your legs if you want, Win' darling.' She said as she handed me a soft blanket and a small pump-up matress.

'If you're going for a walk, just put that inside, but be careful. You don't know your way around here yet, okay WinWin?' She concluded.

I pondered for a moment.

'Okay, mum. But please stop that.'

'Stop what, sweetheart?'

'That weird "WinWin" nickname. It's embarrassing...' I pleaded. Most things are better left back at Honbridge.

"Haa, okay WinW-, s-sweety. Whatever makes you happy." She chuckled and smiled a little.

"Thank you."

And with that, I entered my new home and placed the bedding by the small kitchen to the left of the door. A rusty sink and a fake marble bench sat before me, alongside a trail of ants, hurrying to they're nest.

Across from that was a small 2 by 3 area with nothing filling it. I assumed that that was the lounge room, but there weren't any other rooms in the entire building. Is this place serious? That's our bedroom??

My legs were really stiff from sitting in the car for so long, so I decided that I needed to move around a little. I guess I really am going to leave my mum here to unpack by herself.


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