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I reached the small apartment and stumbled through the doorway, my mum glancing up at me, looking at me quizzically. My face went hot as I kneeled and stuffed my face into my folded blanket, flustered. And to avoid further embarrassment I quickly picked up my phone, earphones, and blanket, and walked outside to sit inside the old car which I had been in for four hours fifteen minutes prior. This was the best "private" I could get in a house like this. I had to sort my thoughts out somewhere!

'Fuck...' I stared at the white blanket in thought, the little white follicles on the blanket apparently intriguing to look at.

I turned my phone on and started playing a random playlist of music through my earphones as I pressed one bud into my ear.

'He's ...cute..?' I muffled a small squeal with the blanket, my face hot once again.

I sat for a moment, suddenly acquiring the immediate urge to sleep. A four-hour drive and a mentally exhausting encounter with a hot boy was sure to tire me out. Yawning, I blinked for a little longer than usual then rested my head on the backseat window.

The sun began to set along with a rainbow of oranges, pinks, and blues in the horizon as my eyes eventually drifted shut. The colours disappeared under the short buildings as darkness consumed the neighbourhood (and my unlocked car doors couldn't be any less concerned). I suppose my mum also fell asleep because when I woke the next morning, it was about five o'clock and I was still in the car, a ray of direct sunlight on my face, and the blanket tangled between my legs.

I flung my hand over my face. I can't wake up with a light this bright in my eyes.

'Ughhhh...' I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes a little.

I picked up my phone from under the blanket and tried the 'on' button but all that appeared was a little charger sign with an exclamation point, telling me that it to be charged. Instead, I went inside and searched through my duffle bag for some better clothes. I didn't really need the phone.

I decided on wearing a small green tee and some black denim shorts. The sun had hardly risen yet, so I just decided to sit outside on the boot of my car and watch the sun entirely emerge from behind all of the short, blacked-out buildings. But upon walking outside, I saw the same boy from yesterday go past and a small object fall from his bag. Why was walking around so early in the morning? I wondered.

Curious, I ran towards the small object and cautiously picked it up. It was circular, white and flat, but upon closer observation, i realised it was a baseball keychain.

'Uhh..' I hesitated. He was probably about 20 metres away now.

'Uh... Hey... Hey!' I looked down at the object again. He probably hadn't noticed that I was trying to talk to him. The name "Jonathan" was neatly printed on the back.

'Uhh, J-Jonathan!!..?' I exclaimed, a little unsure of his name.

He looked back in confusion, he was probably wondering who had yelled his name from out of nowhere and why.

'Huh?' I only slightly heard him mutter as he looked around.

'Uhh... Y-you uhh... you dropped your keychain!!' I didn't like this situation for many apparent reasons:

1. It was dark and it probably wasn't safe to be interacting with a stranger.

2. He'll probably think I'm a creep.

3. Talking to people is a little difficult when you're an introverted, Irish, American, fourteen-year-old boy who had just moved across the country and doesn't have any friends.

The boy's eyes locked on me as he exhaled in... relief?

'Oh! ..Oh my god, thank you!' He exclaimed back, as he searched the back of his bag and jogged back to where I was standing.

He stopped to catch his breath for a moment and coughed.

'Y-you okay?' I questioned.

'Ah, yeah I'm fine haha, just um, a little sick' he replied

'... u-um.. o-okay? I uh.. well, I have this baseball thing... uhm... here' i held it out with a closed fist, which forced him to grab my hand and gently (and very, very awkwardly) pry it out. That also meant that we touched hands for more than a brief moment once again.

'O-oh... Shit! Sorry... Uh... I- uh... sorry.' I stammered and shook my head.

He smiled, nodded and chuckled a little as he stood there dangling the keychain infront of him, somewhat scolding himself. I abruptly ran away and swung the car door open, throwing myself inside, rocking back and fourth. My face felt like a metal rod which had been left in the sun for hours. I rested my head in my hands then violently face palmed myself for the "hand-keychain" scene I had created.

'Oh god.. what if that'll be our last ever interaction..' I pondered.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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