The Beginning

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200 hundred years ago, the whole planet lost the noble gas Argon, If you didn't know Argon is used to light bulbs it was also used to form inert atmospheres for welding. Ever since Argon went away all of the cities have gone without light. It would be hard to even find yourself a match to start a fire. People have completely forgotten how to light anything without a match. The lighters have all vanished from people stealing them from the stores that all went out at night because of the light bulbs no longer working. It's hard to even see in the back of the stores without it. Everything has changed, people don't do anything at night if you go outside at night you're basically blind sided. Don't even get me started on the new species that came out once we lost Argon. Argon was the only thing keeping them away now that it's gone they thrive in our society.
The new species is called "dark-nights" only because they are nocturnal. They are human killing machines with amazing eyesight, most humans don't go outside at night because you can't see anything not only that but you don't know where these things are. My family and I have only  survived because we stay inside at night and go to the store once and twice a week and stock up on everything. We have our own garden and we live next to a lake we completely moved once everything went down, we go fishing in the lake but there bigger fish than ever so we have to be careful because they could eat you in a bite or two. We do have neighbors. Other people have survived besides us but we don't travel very far because we don't know who is all out there and my family and I get some light from traveling to new stores if we can to stock up on items. There are many of the Dark-nights in our area we only know this because of how many people have come up missing my neighbors even have had some family members come up missing. 

A world without light is harder than you think if you were to see my empty streets with no one around you would see how hard it is to make friends. My little brother and sister are homeschooled. Dad started them in it because there was no light left and they couldn't go to school with no light. My friends are still around a little bit more so that a lot of them fled I have no clue if they are even around anymore.
"Hey dad, I wanted to know if I could go to sarahs tomorrow?" I asked. Sarah was my best friend from school she moved with us. Her family is still completely torn about the loss of her brother Zacc. Zacc was also really close to my brother Anthony. He was heartbroken when no one could find Zacc the last person we thought that we would lose would be Zacc he was only six.
"Do you have to vermilion? We all have to do more exploring today" My dad said. My dad's name is Jackleson he's 42 years old. If you guys didn't notice my name is Vermillion I'm 17 years old, odd name I know but my dad liked it.
"Oh can she come with us ? You know Sarah loves exploring new areas" I asked.
"It's gonna be dangerous this time sweetie you and your siblings have to be really close to mom and I" my dad said. The most dangerous place we've ever gone was Wyoming. Everything was dark and there were barely any houses at all. My sister sacred was attacked and almost killed by a darknight. We warned her not you wonder or stray from mom because mom would keep her safe but she didn't listen.
"Mom!!! Can Sarah come plz ?!" I yelled. I know I wasn't supposed to go from one parent to the next but mom really liked Sarah. My moms name is Ashliphine she's four years younger than my dad.
"I mean I guess what did your father say?" She asked.
"He said no because it's gonna be dangerous this time," I said. I was trying to be sarcastic about the whole dangerous thing.
"Yes, she can. But make sure to ask her parents. You know how Adam gets when she leaves out of nowhere." She said. I was already running out after I heard yes. It was quite a walk to get over there so I just took my car. Even though driving was also hard you had to steer clear of all the other litter and trash around threw the way around our house and my friends it was really clear.
The way over their was about a 5 min drive. When you pull up her driveway they have the door to the left and the garage door to the right. If you had been there like I had you'd know to go threw the garage Bc waiting for you in the front door is a mean guard dog they keep just Incase the darknights find a way into the house.
"Sarah ? You home ?" I yelled but not to loud I didn't want to wake them up if they were sleeping. Sarah's family went out a lot so we really didn't hang out as much as we used to.
"Yeah Millie, come up stairs. I'm in my room" Sarah yelled. Millie has been my nickname from her since we were like seven. My mom used to call me millbear so I earned the name Millie from her. I walked into her room and it was a shock I didn't see her up on her feet dancing around her room trying to find her shoes. She was already dressed and was sitting on her bed writing in her journal.
"Hey Sarah. I wanted to know if you wanted to go exploring with me and my family ? We are leaving in 20 ?" I asked. She basically jumped off her bed and squealed.
"Of course I do. This may be a shocker but mom and dad haven't left the house since Friday. But yeah totally I'll go get my camera and I'll be right on over." I walked out of her room and into the kitchen were Adam was sitting eating breakfast.
"Hey I was just upstairs with Sarah would it be okay if she came exploring today ?" I asked. He looked tired almost like he hadn't done anything in days. But then again Sarah did say they hadn't left since Friday.
"Sure Millbear anything she wants to do she can" I ran over and hugged him and said thank you. He calls me millbear like my mom used to. It was only because they didn't know what else to call me. Besides that point I went out to my car and headed home Sarah would be their in around 15 minutes normally she would ride with me but I think she wants to drive her own car for a little bit.
I got home and my little brother was running away from my mom not knowing what it was about I walked to my room and started getting ready to leave. I started packing everything I normally did. Mom came in a few minutes later to tell me it was time to go. I went down stairs, Sarah and Anthony are reading a book together mom and dad are in the kitchen finishing eating and sacred is coloring on the floor.
"I'm ready" I say. Sarah looks over at me and basically screams.
"Millie guess what I got from my mom and my dad a couple days ago!" She said. She had a huge smile on her face so I figured it had something to do with her camera.
"Let me guess, ummm, and SD card for you're camera?"
"Yes, actually ? How did you know ?"she asked. She seemed confused almost like I had tricked her.
"Oh Sarah if you only knew how much you focus on your camera." I giggled. She gave me a funny look and we both burst  into laughter it was so funny.
When Sarah was a little girl she wanted to be a photographer so much that her parents kept buying her many cameras so she could become one. I remember her having three at once each more expensive than the last. Normally when you went to the store they wouldn't have them but lucky for us we traveled so much that we found things on the way.
Once my dad, mom and Anthony piled in my moms car. Me, Sarah and sacred piled  in mine. Sacred loved riding with me because I was the only girl in the house other than her. Not only that but mom didn't want her and Anthony in the same car Bc they would fight nonstop. I mean what else do you expect from eight and nine year olds. After about an hour and a half drive me and Sarah pulled over at a small gas station that was run by Michael Fletch. He filled my car with gas and then we kept driving until we caught up with mom and dad. We ended up in a small of Mandan, North Dakota. It was very blank but we managed to find a small store. They had a lot of fresh products which was shocking. We walked around the store for a little bit and then we heard it. A sound in the back room.
"Dad what was that ?" Sacred asked.
"Nothing honey just calm down me and mom will figure it out. Anthony you and sacred to the car. Vermillion and Sarah get your weapons" Me and Sarah got into our bags we shuffled threw them but I couldn't find mine.
"Dad I can't find it! I can't!!" I yelled. I started panicking I didn't know what to do.
"Millbear calm down" he said. "Go get in the car with your brother and sister take Sarah with you it's gonna be okay." I trusted him Sarah and I walked to the car I had tears falling from my short burst of fear.
"We're in" I yelled so mom and dad knew they could check it. Mom walked up first I watched her slowly open the door. Then their it was. A darktnight in plain sight. Since they were nocturnal they couldn't see that well in the daylight. They had huge eyes around three of them, huge arms that touched the floor with sharp claws attached to them. Their feet weren't really that large. He was bent over and it's spine was sharp and sticking out of their back it was a dark shade of blue.
Mom stepped towards dad and let the darknight walk past. They were trying not to be noticed to avoid having to kill one, only because killing them was super hard. It walked past and left outside of the store or so we thought.

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