Sick Legendary cookies headcanon

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/when the fire elemental cookie gets sick/

🔥 he runs very cold.

🔥 his flames shrink and go darker and more red

🔥 he gets the worst sore throat. When he gets sick he cant even make a peep with out it stinging.

🔥 He will use the little energy he does to communicate with fire

🔥 coughs smoke

🔥sneezes fire

🔥 doesnt have the energy to put on the charm. So he will act much more humble and less flirty.

🔥 will very often shiver in bed.

🔥his body cant handle a virus well so out of all the elementals a virus will hit him the hardest

🔥when he gets wet hes very likely to get sick.

🔥Pitaya dragon cookie and devil cookie will usually care for him.

🔥 Has crush on Moonlight and cotton candy being actually quite shy and awkward around them because he has feelings for them

🔥 all the other elemental and most of the cookies hate him because he cant control his fire.

🔥 needs glasses for long distance but refuses to wear them so he just gets close to things to read.
Sea fairy cookie

💧has the 2nd strongest immune system out of everyone

💧virus's dont hit her very hard. Like a tiny cold in the winter.

💧shes the caretaker of the elementals

💧 but if its cold enough to freeze water she will get really sick.

💧 high fever to point you can see her hair slightly boiling.

💧lots of sneezing.

💧 usually Her friend wind archer cares for her
Wind archer

🌪 has the 2nd weakest immune system.

🌪when he sneezes wind blows Anything back. Usually into a wall.

🌪 his tissue box is usally glued to the bedside table.

🌪 has the most stomach viruses. Basically when he starts gagging just set him up in the bathroom next to the toilet. It saves a LOT of time.

🌪 will loose his appetite when sick. Will eat crackers and Gatorade since it would help his stomach calm down. But Anything else he trys to eat he will throw back up.

🌪 gets high fevers.

🌪 his gem changes colors when hes sick

🌪millennial tree and Sea fairy cookie or Herb care for him.

🌪 grows very weak when sick.

🌪-pretentious prick

🌪 has crush with mint

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