Berry Bad Flu

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Raspberry Mousse : *Sneezes Fire* ugh..... 

Queen: *feels Raspberry's forehead* sweetie you cant go to the fencing competition... your too ill... you can barely Sit up... 

Raspberry Mousse: but mommy... *slowly sits up* i can still-

Queen: no. raspberry. Stay in bed. rest. 

Raspberry Mousse: okay mommy... *lays down in bed*

/a few days earlier/

Raspberry Mousse: *Training with knight* 

Knight: *doesnt know hes coming down with a cold* *sneezes next to Raspberry* sorry. hay fever. 

Raspberry Mousse: *unknowingly breathing in the virus* its okay! *spars with Knight*

Knight: *spars* /a hour later/

Raspberry Mousse: good match Knight. 

Knight: welcome!

/2 day later in the flashback/

Raspberry Mousse: *coughs harshly* *keeps training with the guards*

Princess: big brother? are you feeling alright? 

Raspberry Mousse: yes little Sis. im feeling well. *strikes a bullseye with his sword* 

Princess: okay Raspberry... 

Raspberry Mousse: *Smiles* *goes to get some food*

/a day later in flash back/

Raspberry Mousse: *feels dizzy

Queen: *feels Raspberry Mousses cheek* sweetie go to bed your not well your running a fever....

Raspberry Mousse: but mommy...

Queen: *takes him to bed* come on sweetie...

Raspberry Mousse: no..... *sneezes fire*

Queen: just relax sweetie your going to be just fine *takes Raspberry Mousse to his room and bed* 

Raspberry Mousse: *placed in bed* mommy.....its not a fever its just the sun....

Queen: *gets a thermometer after tucking Raspberry Mousse in to bed*

/later in the flash back/

Queen: *puts it in Raspberry Mousses mouth*

Raspberry Mousse: *keeps it there*

Queen: *takes it out a minute later* 93.3 a cold fever. a bad one to... 

/at current times/

Raspberry Mousse: *his tummy hurts* mommy....?

Queen: yes?

Raspberry Mousse: *gags* um.... i  tink i need a  bin...

Queen: *gives him a lined wastebasket* 

Raspberry Mousse: *throws up*

Queen: *rubs his back* just keep your head in it intill your done...

Raspberry Mousse: mommy....?

Queen: yes sweetie?

Raspberry Mousse: *crying* i dont feel so hot....

Queen: dont cry sweetie... where does it hurt?

Raspberry Mousse: head tummy throat and nose.....

Queen: think you can Keep some water or medicine down? *places the bin next to Raspberry Mousse's bed*

Raspberry Mousse: mabie...

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