Unwanted Guests

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After the Guys left, Ginny went wordlessly to her room, leaving me alone in the living room. "A perfect start to the next torturous year." I mused sitting back in my chair.

After a while of wondering in my own thought, I hear the unmistakable crack of someone apperating.

Standing up I start towards the kitchen think Harry or Ron forgot to say something they needed to.

"What part of space do you not get if you need to tell us something related to work just send an owl. Stop coming into our home uninvited because I promise you this is the last time.  The next time you try you will be splintched as we are changing our wards!"  

As I entered the kitchen and looked at our intruders I paused. Honestly that's all I could do as the people standing in our kitchen were most definitely not Harry or Ron.

"Good evening Ms. Granger. I love the way you've decorated the Kitchens. I truly looks Homey." Said the tanned beauty standing in my kitchen.

Staring at the 6 people I did the only thing I could think of.

" GINNY!"  I yell and step backwards into the hall. " GINNY! I NEED YOU TO COME HERE!"

"Tell them to go away! I hope they Splintch themselves!" came the muffled answer from her room.

"Ginny it's not them. It's..." Glancing from Ginny's door down the hall and back to visitors I contemplate my words. "It's Kingsley, Ginny. Please come out."  Hearing it wasn't Harry or Ron Ginny slowly came out of her room and down the hall"

"Who's here then? "She was still wiping the dried tears from her face when she entered the kitchen and froze.

"Please do us a favor Red, and don't scream. Granger already made our ears bleed." Stated Blaise as he tried to stop the ringing in his ears.

"Zabini?! What in bloody hell are you doing here?" Ginny turned her gaze over Blaise's shoulder and her voice raised "Malfoy!!"

"Didn't he just ask for you not to scream?"  Draco said rolling his eyes
Before Ginny could yell anymore Kingsley started talking. "Good evening Ladies." He walked over to the table and stood behind a chair before gesturing for us to join him.

After a small extension charm and transfiguring some chairs for the extra people we all sat down at the kitchen table.

"Now as we previously discussed, each of you will be in charge of taking care of one of the families that are being released today." Kingsley Started calmly looking at everyone at the table "After much thought and many heated discussions we at the Ministry believe that the best way to alleviate the fears of any potential plans of vengeance... Not that we believe you have any such plans" he hurriedly assure Mr. Malfoy who had started to open his mouth in protest.

"Even though we at the ministry know there is no such plan" Kingsley began again. "There are those in the wizarding populous who believe otherwise. As such we believe that if we pair you with Ms. Granger and Ms. Weasley. It would lessen the fear of the people. After all if..."

"If we are seen with Golden boys Girlfriend and best friend, and he doesn't kill us, then we obviously are of no threat." Blaise finished glaring down at his folded hands.

"Well, in short yes, that is one reason. The other is more complicated." As Kingsley said the last bit he turned to Ginny and me.

"I have already let both families know that this information was to be fully disclosed to their monitor, whomever they may be. And this is the second of the reason we did assign these two families to you two. We believe you would be more suitable to take care of and understand the... Problems... that you will undoubtedly have to face while they are in your care. "

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