Chapter 1 | Beginning

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Boketto • [bo-ke-tto]
The act of gazing vacantly into the distance without a thought.

꧁ ꧂

~ Anastasia ~

Falling snow must be the single most fascinating thing to watch—for anyone who chooses to give their attention to something other than their personal importances. I could watch this scene forever: the gracious dance of the flakes cascading down from the midnight sky, tumbling and sparkling with every ebb and flow of the gentle winter wind.

The snowflakes shine against the outdoor glow of my family's manor, captivating my eyes. Even if they disappear as quickly as they put on their show, I always anticipate the next wave of flurries. Always want more. Always yearn for a distraction from what tonight will inevitably lead to. What I always have to do against my will.

A shiver rocks through me just thinking about it.

Even in this old-fashioned cloak, there's little protection provided against Mother Nature's chilling conditions. Late October's indecisive weather patterns are no surprise to me or the people of Mylithia, the kingdom I call home. We're all well accommodated by now to the confusing pattern of warm summer-like days and dreary, cold snow storms. But even with these bizarre extremes we experience during the awkward transition between fall and winter, I find the greatest one to be the overwhelming amount of social events coordinated as a result of the upcoming holiday festivities; Winter Solstice, ringing in the New Year, and especially the first fall of snow. Or, to better word it, the first layer of snow that actually sticks to the ground.

I guess it's both convenient and coincidental that the Snow Ball was planned on a night when there'd be snowfall. Not to the attending guest's drivers, of course, seeing as they'll be the ones navigating the icy roads and enduring this uncomfortable forecast. But I know they'll manage like they do every year.

I wrap the excess of my dark cloak tightly around the lilac gown displaying every bit of my body. It's a ridiculous ensemble my mother's stylist picked out for me—insisted I looked best in. The family heirloom jewels chilling against my collarbone and tiara resting in my long dirty blonde curls don't seem to be helping much, either. Too-flowy, too-tulle-y, too-flashy, and not enough layers to protect me from these freezing temperatures—all a dangerous combination for hypothermia.

Hell, I'm practically turning into an icicle out here.

But I told Max I'd wait for him. Besides, I refuse to get in the running black SUV by myself—not that Alex, our driver, can't be trusted. I just don't think he likes me very much, which might have something to do with my association with the Regime. Waiting out here is a better option regardless. It stalls the moment I'll begin faking my every emotion once I walk into that venue tonight. It lets me catch my breath and get some fresh air before I'm immersed in a suffocating ballroom with people I don't know or care about. And, most importantly, I promised Max I'd wait. I don't break promises with my best friend.

I bite my lower lip, looking back at the gray-stoned manor again.

Maybe I should go wait in the foyer for him and my parents...

Admitting to myself that this was an idiotic decision should've been a thought that crossed my mind long ago. I know better than to let myself freeze to death. But when I caught that first glimmer of falling snow earlier, something similar to instinct knew I needed to see it up close. Like these small crystalized particles were aware of my imminent implosion if I didn't step outside soon. Of the fact that I've been holed up in my room for the last several months, spending tiring hours training and studying for my royal coming, as most of Mylithia's court calls it.

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