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*I would like to note that I do not condone any of the terrible things coming to light that Shane Dawson has done. I was a long time fan of his and am devastated to learn about the awful things he's been doing behind the scenes. He'll be making very limited appearances in this book from here on out. His videos have really helped me out a lot growing up but the things he's doing now and has done in the past are 100% wrong and I can no longer support him. I still love Morgan and Garrett and Drew with my whole ass heart and they will represent the crew for the remainder of this story. Thank you for reading ❤️

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♡ by jazzylee, greywind_the_direwolf, and 24,937 others

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by jazzylee, greywind_the_direwolf, and 24,937 others...
actinglikealaska: it's Britney, bitch


lunamccroy: these spot the differences are getting harder and harder
username: I can't tell who's Britney and who's Alaska
actinglikealaska: that's all I've ever wanted

garrett_watts: I took this picture!! This picture was taken by me!!
username: omg no way
actinglikealaska: Yes!! Full photo cred to Garrett my new full time photographer

garrett_watts: I took this picture!! This picture was taken by me!!﹂username: omg no way﹂actinglikealaska: Yes!! Full photo cred to Garrett my new full time photographer

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by morganadams, junesloane, and 31,245 others...
lunamccroy: MOM LOOK WHO I MET!!!! MOM LOOK morganaddams shanedawson


morganaddams: mom look who I MET
vickiadams26: you guys are just so cute! 💕💕

shanedawson: why didn't anyone tell me I looked so good that day
lunamccroy: cause you always look good it would get tiring telling you every day
username: omg my babies
shanedawson: ok new life coach

greywind_the_direwolf: crop Luna out and this is the best photo I've ever seen
lunamccroy: when your friends dog roasts you 😔
morganaddams: omg you and Uno would be best friends
greywind_the_direwolf: play date!

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