August 1st-Percy

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Percy POV

It was just a normal day at Camp Half Blood. Or so I thought. I was walking through the strawberry fields, and I passed Piper.
'Hi, Percy! Have you seen Jason around?' she asked me.
'Uh, I think I saw him go towards the climbing wall.'
'Thanks, Perce!'
'Wait a sec, Pipes. Have you seen Annabeth?'
'No, Percy. I'm sorry,' she said.
I sighed. 'No problem, Pipes. I'll keep searching.'
Ah, that went well... Not! I would like to claim that that day was the worst day in my life, and I'm pretty sure Piper agrees. I'm sitting in the benches in the basketball area, after giving up on searching for Annabeth. Piper chose that moment to come running into the basketball court, tears streaming down her face. 'P-P-Percy,' she sobbed. 'Annabeth and Jason... T-they ch-cheated on u-us.'
She sat down next to me and buried her face in her palms. I was sad that Annabeth was cheating too. But for Piper's sake I had to stay strong. I put my arm on her shoulder and gently said, 'Do you want to talk about it?'
She sniffled and stopped crying. She took a deep breath and shakily said, 'Okay. Well, you said you spotted Jason going towards the climbing wall, correct?'
'Yeah,' I said.
'Well, as I got there, I saw Jason, but, with Jason was another blonde.'
'Annabeth,' I guessed.
She looked like she was going to start crying again. I said, 'Shh, Pipes, it wasn't your fault.'
She stopped crying at once. Her grief turned into anger.
'You're right,' she mused. 'It's not my fault. It's not yours, either. It's their fault, and they're going to pay for what they did to me and my best friend!'
I couldn't help but smile. 'You go, girl. That's the spirit!'
She grinned. 'Let's bash the blondes, shall we?'
Just then, our favorite son of Hephaestus decided to pop by.
'Hey, which blondes are you talking about? 'Cause it better not be Calypso.'
Piper said, 'Nah, repair boy, we're not gonna bash up your Calypso. We're gonna bash—'
'Jason and Annabeth!' I completed.
Leo looked confused, to say the least. His expression said we owed him an explanation. Piper gave him the short version. Leo eyes burned—literally. Almost like Ares's.
'Those two are not getting away with what they did to you guys. I'm on your side. Do what you want with them.'
'Thanks, dude.' I gave him a bro hug.
'Thanks, Leo.' Piper hugged him.
And we were of on our favorite sport— Blonde-Hunting.
~Time skip~
We reached the climbing wall, and saw Jason and Annabeth sleeping, Annabeth's head on his shoulders. Wow, so cute. Piper charged in. She slapped Jason across the face leaving a red mark which looked surprisingly like Piper's hand. That ought to have woken him up, I thought. But nooooo. Jason's sleep was as heavy as Festus. Piper looked at me, annoyed. I signalled, Wait. I walked up to him and punched his nose. It looked like it had broken and was dripping the Blood of Olympus (A/N: You probably haven't read BoO if you don't understand that.) But he still wasn't awake. Annabeth had different ideas. She awoke with a start, looked at Jason, then us, put on her thinking face, and asked, 'WHY DID YOU PUNCH HIM?'
I replied, 'Maybe 'cause you and he cheated on us and broke our hearts, especially Piper's?'
By this time Jason had woken up and touched his nose and said, 'Ow' and passed out.
'JASON!' Annabeth shrieked.
Piper smirked. 'I guess we're done here, Perce.'
I grinned. 'Dam right, Pipes.'
Just then, Leo popped out of some bushes. 'Yeah! SuperMcShizzle got that whole thing on cam so you know they're the ones who cheated!'
'Team Leo 4ever!' I said.
With that, me, Pipes—Er, Piper—and Leo went away, not knowing the blondes were planning revenge.

664 words (excluding A/N)

A/N : Hi, guys. This my first story so pls no judge. Uh... Pls comment if you have found like, a grammar or spelling mistake. I'll try to update every week. If I update multiple times in a week, I'm very free. If I don't update, I'm probably sick or busy, so I'll try to compensate in the next week.

Piperce out, Sam. (Boy.)

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