The Black Badger

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Damian had been planning for weeks. He was making charts, looking at statistics and endlessly searching Google and Youtube. He waited until his dad came home and happily offered him an evening beverage.

After his dad had lazily fallen asleep, Damian copied the numbers off of his credit card. CCV code and all, he had done his research.

The day was approaching fast.Everything he did and everything he thought about, was leading up it.His parents were going out for an anniversary dinner and would not be home again until the next afternoon. They had decided to let Damian stay home alone for the first time ever. As soon as he heard, he knew exactly how he was going to use that time.


It was all anyone at school could talk about.


It was the basis for every Youtube video and podcast he had ever seen.


The game his parents refused to let him play.

He was 13, he couldn't understand it.Some of his friends had been playing since they were Nine.


He wondered how it was possible to catch up to that much experience.

It was not like he had never played before, all he had to do was go over to a friend's house. He'd be allowed to watch or maybe play some of one game. Worse yet, his friends would get bored and want to do something else.

Not this time.

Damian had installed the game on the house's main computer earlier in the week. He read that all he had to do to hide the installation was delete the icon and turn off the automatic updates.

Despite the fact it was a free game,he had taken his dad's credit card.

There is no way I'm going into my first real match in a default skin...BLEH!

Damian looked out the window to make sure his parents were gone.

He waited five minutes.

Then thirty.

He checked again. They were gone, for real gone. He sat down at the Pilot's chair, ready for launch. He was surprised to find that he was shaking.

Razor Naga side button mouse?


3D Stereophonic headset with voice activated mic?


GTX 7800 Readon video card?


$30 Power Ranger avatar?


It's game time.

Damian's head was swimming. The graphics popped out at him with flashy cartoon brilliance. His main T.V. was much larger than his friend's computer monitors.

The game began. He was dropped out of a giant mechanical Stork. It delivered all one hundred contestants to a militarized island, where in the end; only one team would survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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