Chapter 9

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A Few Hours After What Happened In Last Chapter... (Mrs Bridge's P.O.V)

I sat on my leather armchair in my office, looking outside my window, it was the dead of night. That didn't bother me one bit. Neither did the sounds of wolfs and coyote's howling under the full moon. With the stars scattered across the atmosphere, merely twinkling in the sky, one would say it was a beautiful night, but at the moment I really couldn't care less. I was in a foul mood, all of that being because of one particular young boy, Kaiden. Kaiden William Styles. Yes, I knew who he was, hell I even knew where he was and why he ended up here. That being because I was there, there to see the most-widely questioned disappearence of one of the most famous toddlers of all time, Darcy and Kaiden Styles. It has been nearly 10 years, and the day they arrived still lay fresh in my mind.

*Flashback* (16th Of June, 10 Years ago)

It was the dead of night when I heard the loud thumping at the front door, which startled me a bit, yet I was prepared. I looked through the tiny peephole, it was them. Finally. I slowly opened the door, my assistants Helga and Adela on either side of me. In front of us were two masked men. A few more were getting out of the black van behind them.

"So I assume the project was completed?" I asked, my voice low.

"Yes, we got them." The leader said in his deep drawl, I knew he was smirking underneath the cloth covering most of his face.

"Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I got the info here." One of his minions spoke, holding a clipboard, "Birth-names are Darcy Elizabeth and Kaiden William Styles. Birthdate is January 5th. Age is approximately 29 months. Parents are Harry Edward Styles and Leighton Paix Victoria Styles. They measure in at 35 inches and weigh 27.5 pounds each. Visible eye-colour : green." He said, reading of the paper.

I watched as yet two other men came infront, holding to small toddlers bundled tight in blankets. The rain felt heavily behind them. I felt a smirk coming on my face, I've seen these faces many times, always in magazines and on tabloids, and now knowing they'll never live the lavish life or see their loved ones again bought eerie and pleasure to my system.

"They will have slight amnesia when they wake up, and we intend to keep it that way." The boss spoke in a husky voice. "And whatever you do, be extremely careful, these two are a very special case, even the slightest sense of recognition of anyone toward them can send the media in a frenzy." He said warningly before the unconscious toddlers were transferred into Helga and Adela's arms.
The men slowly all piled up into the truck, before I was given the records. The boss looked me straight in the eye.

"Their father is still alive, and the world will definitely turn itself upside-down looking for them, so I EXPECT no failure." He sneered as he lightly closed the van-door, before handing me a huge envelope filled with cash and sped off. My two assistants meanwhile took the toddlers inside, while I just stood there. That arse Harry Styles was still alive? How is that even possible? This complicated things. He wasn't supposed to live. Well anyway this shouldn't matter. Darcy and Kaiden are staying here, and i'll make sure of it myself.

I briskly closed the door and locked the latches before going into my personal office in which no one goes in, without my permission. I pulled out the multiple details and typed them onto my computer, going over all the necessary such as lifestyle, family tree, medical history and each twins personal details. I smiled as I took my red pen from my drawer and and wrote "ABDUCTED" in big, capital letters. I smirked to myself as I read it over. Mission complete.

*End Of Flashback*

I looked through the papers on my desk, I wasn't the one to abduct them, neither was I the one to raise the idea to do so. My job was to hide them, from the rest of the world, without them questioning why their here. I was paid to do this, which is why we call this an orphanage, to prevent them from asking sticky questions.

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