Accursed Hiccups

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"Hey, Chase! Chase? Your door was open, so I'm guessing it's ok to come in." Jack sang out calling the warlord as he walked into the lair. Several of Chase's feline warriors following him, mostly making sure the teen didn't go into places that he's not allowed, cautious and ready to attack if needed.

"Maybes he's not home?" Rajah says walking back to Jack after checking another nearby room but finding no warlord insight. 

Jack can only shrug. "Probably, but his cats are here so I figured he was too."

Not long after Jack had finished his sentence, a familiar voice called out. "Go away," it called, followed by a high pitched squeal coming from the same area.

"What was that?" Jack looked to his friend, who is just as stumped as him. One of the tigers that had been following them walks in front of the pair, waving its tail as if telling them to follow. Jack and Rajah heard several more squeaks before the tiger sat down next to a door and gestured at it with their head. "Thanks." "Much obliged." both say their thanks to the tiger, Rajah rewarding them with chin scratches as Jack knocks on the door, yelling and jumping back when it was flung open.

"What part of go away did you not-" Chase's snappy remark was interrupted by an ungodly squeak coming from his mouth. "Damn it!"

"Seems like Someone's got a case of hiccups," Rajah stated.

"Do not be foolish. I am an immortal warlord, I do not get hicc-" SQUEAK! Chase squeaked again and groaned loudly in frustration.

"Well, hiccups are usually caused by either eating too quickly, too much or irritation in the stomach, throat, or feeling nervous or excited," Jack chimes in as Chase stormed out of the room. "Did you get hiccups after eating some Lao Mae Long Soup?" he asks, keeping pace with Chase.

"I haven't had any yet," Chase answered with a grunt and another squeak.

"Irritation of the throat and stomach seems unlikely given your healing ability." Jack scratched at his chin. "Did something happen earlier today that made you either excited or nervous or both?"

"I do not get nervous, Spicer." Chase scoffed.

"Excited?" Jack waited till Chase finished a small fit of hiccups.

"I do not get excited either."

"You're not emotionless. You have to feel something in order to manipulate people so easily. Being able to convince someone that you're feeling something you're not is difficult if you don't experience them yourself at some point." Rajah replied, having a seat on an unused couch. The tiger she'd been petting actually follows her wanting to be scratched more.

"Would you two just leave?" Chase didn't have time for this, he didn't have time for them, he just wanted to be left alone. Yet the universe seemed to have other plans.

"Let me help you get rid of your hiccups and I'll be on my way." Jack offered.

"Why do you want-" SQUEAK! "-to help me?" 

"I've got nothing better to do today. Cookies out of school for break. An then my lab is currently filled with bug spray."

Rajah let out a chuckle. "Parently he left 3-week-old food containers behind an old project and it festered."

"That is disgusting." Chase paused to hiccup a few more times. "No wonder your lab would is infested with insects."

"Eh, you win some you lose some." Jack protested. "Now, about those hiccups." Jack pulled out his phone and started typing into a search bar. "Let's try the first option, drinking water."

Chase stared at Jack blankly. "Water? I don't see how water is supposed to help cure this."

"You're supposed to drink it backward, like from the other rim of the glass. Let's just give it a go." Jack motioned with his hands.

"Fine." Chase snapped his fingers and not long after a panther showed up with a tray in their mouth, a glass of water perfectly balancing on top of it.

"That's actually really cool." Jack chuckled as Chase drained the water and returned the glass to the tray. "So?" There was a pause before Chase hiccupped again. "Well, time for option two, holding your breath."


", put a teaspoon of sugar under your tongue?" Chase just looked at Jack, the hiccup following made the glare a little harder to take seriously. "'Ask someone to scare you?" Chase started laughing at the ridiculous option. "I can do that one."

"Oh, please. You're scared of your own shadow, Spicer. How praytell do you plan on scaring me?" Chase chuckled.

"Give me a moment," Jack said before taking off.

"Hopefully he doesn't come back." Chase huffed

"He's only tryin to help, Mr. Young. Ain't no harm in that." That tiger was in heaven with the way Rajah's nails got behind its ear.

Chase intended to retort back at the older teen but stopped when Jack suddenly jumped out at him, a Wuya shaped mask on his face. Chase had no reaction and hiccupped after a moment of silence.

"Really, nothing?" Jack sighed as he removed the mask. "I was sure this would scare you. It scares me."

"Everything scares you, Spicer."

"While that is mostly true, it's not completely." Jack tucked the mask under his arm and started heading down the flight of stairs that were nearby. "I was sure that would have at least startled you. Maybe I could try something a little more high-tech."

"I've got a solution we can try," Rajah cuts in from the sidelines just watching the two males. "But he," she motions towards Chase, "won't like it."

"I'm running out of ideas. Worth a shot, right?" Jack looks at Chase for approval. 

The relationship between himself and Rajah was an odd one. Chase knew the brunet was no threat and showed very little interest in the Wu or showdown. What he did know is that she is Jack Spicer's friend, but that's just it, that's all he knew about the older teen. So trust was questionable. "An what is it that you intend to do?"

Rajah leaves for a moment before coming back with a tablespoon full of honey and offers it to the hiccuping warlord. "You start by swallowing this. Sugar won't give the same result as honey." While Chase is busy with that, she moves behind him. "This may seem odd but trust me this works. I'm just gonna bend you forward a tad at the waist, that's it. Now, this is the odd part, m'just gonna rub your upper back."

"This is ridic-SQUEAK-ulous! How on earth is this method supposed to-"

Suddenly and without being warned Rajah slams her free hand on top of her other one causing Chase to make a questionable sound when a hiccup is forced out of him.

"COOKIE!?" Jack exclaims, mouth hanging wide open in shock at what his best friend had done.

"Shh, listen."

...there was silence. Besides the usual sounds within the citadel, it was quiet. For a full 15 minutes, there is no noise. The hiccups were gone.

"Oh my god, you did it!", Jack cheers in victory.

Cookie merely shrugs her shoulder. "It ain't nothin. Just a quick home remedy, happens once or twice back home. Fresh sticky honey down your throat and smack on the back knocks'm right out. Works every time."

"Yes, well.." Chase straightens himself up "your method may prove to be effective, but do not think that you will ever strick me again."

The three went about their day. Jack and Rajah were politely removed from the warlords home, deciding to hit up the mall and Chase was hiccup-free. That is..until six weeks later while Jack was back in the citadel, discussing potential plans.


"Don't worry Chase, I know what to do." As Jack walked away, rather quickly, pulling out his phone. Chase realized what the redhead was doing and gave..well, chase to stop the now cackling evil genius.

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