Ch 27

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Natasha told me everything about her past life, from the Red Room, KGB and her real name. I stayed completely silent and let her talk. She got emotional in some parts like when she told me that she can't have kids naturally but I just held her hand knowing I was here for her.

We pull into the parking garage at the tower. She turns off the car amd we sit there for a minute in silence.

"Natalia.." I smile looking down at my lap.

She turns to me with a faint smile.

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful women." I kiss her hand.

"Nat, I'm glad you trusted me and told me about your past but I have a question." I tell her and her smile falls slightly.

"What is it?" She asks softly.

"Do you still not believe like, in love. Like you said you were taught love is for children do you still believe that?" I ask hesitantly.

"Honeslty I don't know." She responds and it gets quiet.

"You don't think I'm a monster?" She asks.

"Of course not, have you seen me? I've become and done things monsters fear. You're not a monster." I shake my head.

"Come on let's get inside I need a hot shower." Natasha says and we step outside her car.

She comes over to my side and slightly gasps at my state.

"Your wounds haven't healed yet." She says making me look down.

"It's taking longer because adamantium is what wounded me." I wince slightly.

I take off my bloody shirt to get a better look at my beat body. I look down and see some slashes on my abs I touch them and wince.

"Shit, this is gonna hurt tomorrow." I shake my head slightly.

"Well don't touch them! Let's get you inside." Natasha says coming next to me and gives me support to get inside.

"Do you still have the bullets?" I ask her and she nods.

"And you're not getting them back." She shakes her head.

"Why not?" I ask hoarsley with a wince.

"Because you wanted to use them on yourself and I'm not going to ever let that happen." She says.

"That was a long time ago I'm in a better place now. I don't want them to end up in the wrong hands." I justify.

"They're safe with me." She says.

We get to the living room where everyone was at.

"There you guys are, we were getting worried." Sam says as he sees us.

"We got caught up talking." Natasha says looking at me and I nod.

"Damn you look like shit Mace, you okay?" Bucky asks.

"I'm fine now that I know they're gone." I say.

"Where's Tony?" I ask.

They all point to the same direction, I turn and see him out in the balcony having a drink. I start to limp that way.

"You need to rest." Natasha tells me.

"I know." I sigh still making my way over there.

I hesitantly go outside and lean on the door frame.

"Hey." I say softly making my presence known.

He looks at me over his shoulder then looks back out over the city.

"You should be resting." He says.

"I won't be able to sleep if I know the guy who owns this place is mad at me." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm not mad I'm-

"Annoyed." We say at the time with me rolling my eyes.

"Same shit Jr." I say walking out to stand next to him.

"Look I'm *sighs* sorry that I didn't tell you guys what was going on. It was personal from the beginning I didn't want to drag you guys into this." I tell him.

"We're a team if they mess with one of us they mess with all of us. It's always been like that and it'll always be like that because we're a family." He says looking at me and now it's me who's looking out to the city.

"I accept your apology. Bucky and Steve were right, you are stubborn." He says with a small smile.

"I'm not stubborn." I mumble making him chuckle.

I then wince at a shooting pain through my abdomen.

"We need to get you inside." Tony says and we go back inside.

"Mason you're still bleeding." Natasha says coming over to us.

"I'm fine." I say and she gives me a pointed look.

"Come on lets get you wrapped up." She says.

She then helps me to my room and we go to the bathroom. She gets badages and other stuff she needs.

"Thanks for helping me today, with everything." I tell her as she starts wrapping the bandages around my abs.

"I'll always be here to help, and thanks for listening and not judging." She says looking up at me then the last part softly focusing back on the wrapping.

"I'll never judge you, Natalia." I smile testing the waters.

"I usually hate hearing that name but when you say it, I kinda like it." She smiles kissing my lips.

"Now you need to go to bed. Your wounds are starting to heal but you can't move around." She says taking a step back looking up at me.


She cuts me off with a kiss.

"No buts." She mumbles.

"But what about this one." I tease slightly gripping hers and she slightly moans.

"You're so lucky you can't move alot right now." She says her eyes dilating.

"Ah yes I'm the luckiest person in the world." I exagerate.

"Get your rest." She says giving me one last kiss and goes to leave the bathroom.

"Waiiitt." I whine grabbing her hand pulling her back to me softly.

"What?" She asks with a smile.

I answer by kissing her passionately catching her by surprise but none the less she responds eagerly wrapping her arms around my neck. I swipe my tongue across her bottom lip but she doesn't budge. I squeeze her ass making her moan and let me in. I pick her up to place her on the bathroom counter but groan slightly in pain making us seperate.

"You okay?" She asks out of breath.

"Yeah." I nod quickly going for another kiss but she softly pushes me back.

"Get your rest, we'll continue this when you're better." She pecks my lips hopping off the counter and I groan making her laugh.

The Other Rogers | Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now