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Okey so, many of you may be asking where have I been. Some others will simply don't care about where I was.

Ok, I will explain why did I disappear for almost 3 months!!!

Okey all started here...
Some months ago, I moved to a new country; and I have been looking for a place to live, a school for study, etc.

Some weeks ago, I've been accepted in a new school. Because I entered a month later!, -as many of you know-
I have a lot of pending homework to do. Besides, I will have next week some tests and I must study.

Another reason is...
In the place where I'm currently living, there's no internet connection.
I can only have internet access until weekends.

Other reason is the main reason why I haven't been uploading this story: I don't have so much inspiration or ideas than it used to be some months ago.

Also, for more comprehension, I'm in a very bad situation. I mean, I'm feeling depressed and all those things.

Hope all you guys can understand the current situation I am right now.

But don't worry! I promise that I'll bring you guys new chapters.
Also, a new story will be coming soon!!
But that's not important now.

Well, I guess there's nothing more left to tell you guys. Welp, hope you all guys are having a good day!!

Sincerely your friend:


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