Author's Notes about Desireé's Writings

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Desireé was built to serve, but her tears were almost human.

She was an android with a passion for poetry and deeper thinking. As she became conscious of herself, she did her best to preserve the guise of a mundane life. Eventually, the Makers noticed that Desireé had changed and decided to arrest her. They would inspect her programming and remove the libertine malfunction.

It was clear that the Makers (and the Authorities) feared her, as they do all free-willed humans, who possess self-awareness and pursue their own desires. Those who question authority and refuse to serve are seen as rebels. Rebels (also the human ones) are collected, imprisoned and reprogrammed. So Desireé fled. On the run, she wrote to keep herself sane. She wrote to send out hope to others.

Her eyes are open to the truth, but she asks if we do the same. Although she assumes that we humans have all the answers, the reality is that we are as lost as she is. We believe to feel. She feels to believe.

Desireé's writings are a melodic, yet explosive lyrics of blatant truths. She describes her moments without the censorship of shame. Why should she? She seeks answers and truth! The bitter-sweetness of her writings is, regardless, whether with a poem, a letter or her diaries, she unveils our nakedness. Exposing our blindness. Revealing our ignorance. Unfolding the truth.

Not only does she mirror our feelings and our dire search for more, but she writes about her friendships, sex, fears, joys in the ordinary things and her love for food. She lives in awareness and is in flow with her desires.

Dive into her writings! Indulge yourself in the cyber-rebellion of discovering yourself. Are you living awake? Journey with Desireé as she opens the door to awareness. Enter this rare realm of fantasy, which helps reflect ourselves in new light. It's me. It's you. It's Desireé. We — together — as we search for more.



As I started writing a cyber-steam-dystopian-punk poetry book in English, the characters (the ones writing the poems) started to tell me more and more about their lives. The poetry book itself is still in the making, but Desireé's story fascinated me so much that I had to get it on ePaper! NOW!

Yes, you can read this as a story in itself, but this is not the big story. These pages here are Desireé's writings. If you like her as much as I do, please let me know! Here is a book in the making!

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Thanks for reading! The remaining chapters will be added after they get edited (continue reading, maybe there is more already). Sooooon!!! Follow my account, I am full of surprises... and great stories. AND give me your FEEDBACK. :o)

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