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Mortal World (Earth), Vale do Javari, Brazil, 2005

An huge star, a light fell quickly form the sky, like a ball of smoke and fire, pure energy entering the atmosphere and hitting the forest floor. Impact caused trees to be blown away and others to burn and turn into ash just by touching the light. The star made no crater, or so it did after penetrating the ground.

"Did you see that!" John yelled at his companions. The sound of the crash and explosion were so loud it made their ears burst.

"Yeah!" his companion Link said, his voice breaking from the shock, "you think the mortals will notice the big bang?"

"We predicted that the energy would and here! Our superiors set a shield field in advance!" John  coughed. "All we do is investigate."

The fire died down and the entire forest went dark.

"Shall we?" John smiled with excitement.

"We shall," Link smiled back.

John had always been an older brother to Link. They attended school together and later became partners on missions such as this.

Luckily due to the field shield, mortals (humans) would be unable to detect the crash or the aftermath of it. The Magicians would, after all, they did set up the field. Moreover, the demons would follow. 

"What the.." Link said in awe. 

They stood by the centre of the aftermath. The trees were burned and blown back, and in the middle of it all was a very large hole, penetrating through the soil and rock.

"How deep do you think that goes?" Link asked.

"It's kinda dark so I can't make anything out. But I see a shimmer." John jumped into the black pit.

Link followed, no questions asked. John's instincts were usually right.

They landed in water reaching up to their ankles. Together they stood in the middle of a crater in an underground lake. The crater had these shards of dark and strong black glass sticking out of it's edges, forming a circle around a dark shadow.

"Lumino!" John cast, the entire room lit up naturally but even with a powerful spell it seemed dark.

There was no shadow now, only a pile of ash that began moving together like sand to form what looked like a cradle. The cradle was a large sacrificial table made of that dark hard glass. On top of it was more ashes.

"What now?" John stared at the ashes curiously.

"I can't sense the energy but I can sense demons. Too many even for us." Link pinched his head and spread his mind over the perimeter.

"There isn't much so let's leave," John replied and with his knife chipped a piece of the glassy black shards and placed it in his pocket.

They were ready to disappear and escape until a soft crying was heard from the cradle.

"Is that.." Link wondered.

"Sounds like some baby's crying," John turned around to look at the cradle. "Link!" he yelled in shock.

A tiny hand stuck out of the pile of ashes on the cradle. A small head was no w to be seen. John hurried to the cradle and dug the naked newborn out of the ashes. he took off his scarf and unfolded it into a blanket. Wrapping the baby in it he turned to Link and said,

"What do we do?"

"I dont know!" Link was in panic. "But we don't take it back to the superiors."

"They'll kill us if we dont!" John yelled back in panic as well.

"It's a baby John!" Link reasoned, "they won't understand it being here!"

"So they'll try and understand!" John tried rocking the baby in his arms to stop it rom crying.

"No, they'll kill it," Link calmed down, "Remember when that woman who died magically rose from the dead after nine months to give birth and the Superiors couldn't make out why?"

"Yes," John sighed, "they killed the kid in cold blood. And they'll do the same to this one."

"We have to hide it," Link said looking at the child.

It opened it's tiny eyes that caught you like fire. Those eyes were a bright gold, the colour of golden fire, the colour of heavenly fire.

"Today we came here after the energy landed and were about to climb in and investigate but then the demons arrived and we had no time. The Superiors will understand. Whatever else happened today we will speak of to no one until we find out about this kid." John said.

The baby stopped crying and smiled at John, it raised it's tiny hand up and touched john's cheek.

"Let's go," Link said.

"Go ahead to the superiors," John smiled, "tell them I went ahead home."

Link nodded and the both of them cast, "Incendio!"

The air pulled them from their feet and halfway up the hole. Link held John's foot while John shot a chain with a grapple hook at the end to the hole's edge. It pulled them both up and together they ran away from the demons, disappearing into the night.

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