Chapter 2 - Talking

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I wake up to horrible grinding noises. I almost fell out of the tree. I climb down as quickly as possible and I look around. The walls are closing. I sigh in relief that I am safe in this place. I look around and see many people head to the poorly built building and others just lie down where they are with sleeping bags and pillows. My stomach growls loudly.

“Bet you’re starvin.” I hear a familiar-ish voice say. I whip my head around and see the blonde boy, Newt, stare at me. I nod my head.

“Follow me, maybe Frypan might have somethin for ya.” He says and starts walking towards a different building. I hesitate for a second but then my stomach growls and I follow him. He leads me over to a building and walks in. I sigh and follow him. Once we get in I see many poorly built tables and chairs. Newt walks over to a counter.

“Hey Frypan! I need a plate of food!” Newt calls. I hear mumbling and shuffling then see a large man with dark skin just like the leader and a full beard.

“Didn’t ya already get your food?” He asks annoyed.

“Yeah but this one isn’t for me, it’s for her.” Newt points to me. The man looks at me then widens his eyes.

“All right I have some left overs from dinner.” He moves out of a view and Newt just stands there looking at me.

“That was Frypan, our cook. Oh by the way I’m Newt.” He holds out a hand for me to shake, I hesitate then I quickly grab his hand and shake it twice then I let go. Frypan comes back with a plate of food. On the plate is a sandwich. I can see lettuce, tomato, some sort of meat and cheese.

“Sorry didn’t have any ham left over so I made ya a sandwich if that’s alright.” He says handing me the plate. I take it with both of my hands. I look back up at him.

“Thank you.” I say. Newt looks at me shocked. I didn’t pay attention to him I just walked over to the back table and sat down. I took a bite of my sandwich. It was heaven. Newt sat across from me with a still shocked face. I swallowed my bite of sandwich.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked. His eyes widened.

“I… I didn’t think you even… well I did know but…. You bloody talked.” He stuttered.

“Yeah.” I say.

“You haven’t said a bloody word since ya got here then you ran out in the maze and… just…. It was a surprise to hear ya talk we all though you were mute or somethin.”

“Nope.” I said popping the ‘p’. I took another bite of the glorious sandwich.

“So what’s your name?” He asks.

“Why should I tell you?” I ask taking another bite of the sandwich.

“Because this is your new home you’re going to have to sometime.” He says.

“Not really I mean all you have to call me is girl and I will more or likely respond.” I shrug and finish my sandwich.

“No I bet you’ll tell your name sometime.”

“Not planning on it but you keeps dreaming.” I smile. He looks a little shocked by that answer and it makes me laugh a little.

“What’s funny?” He asks.

“You’re reaction to my response.” I say.

“Oh.” He says. We sit there quietly not saying anything for a while. I yawn.

“Oh yeah that’s right you’re probably tired.” Newt says.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Well lucky you, you get your own shuckin room.” He smiles.

“That’s fantastic.” I say with sarcastic enthusiasm.

“Follow me I’ll show you.” He says getting up. I get up and follow him out of the door leaving the empty plate on the table. I hadn’t realized it but the sun has set already. I follow him to the poorly built building; it looks about two stories or so.

“This is the homestead.” Newt whispers. I nod my head.

He opens the door and I follow. I look in and see many boys sleeping on the floors on sleeping bags and pillows. He steps over them carefully I follow his footsteps being extra careful to not step on people. He stops at a staircase and waits for me. I stop next to him and he starts up the stairs trying to be quiet but he his limp does not help. After we get upstairs he leads me down a hall and stops in front of a door at the end of the hall. He reaches in his pocket and takes out a ring of keys. He grabs one and unlocks the door. He walks in and I follow him. He stops in the room and places his hands on his hips.

“Your room princess.” He bows. I blush and laugh softly. I look around and see a hammock on the far wall; it has a blanket and a pillow on it. I see a small wooden dresser looking thing on the wall in front of me. It is wooden and I can see handles to little drawers. And on the last wall is a single window. I walk over to it and look out. It’s a beautiful view of the glade. I sigh and smile. This won’t be so bad I guess. I turn around and see Newt just staring at me.

“Thank you.” I say brushing my hand on the wooden dresser.

“N… No problem. When you arrived in the box a couple crates came they were full of… um… girl things.” His face gets red as he points towards one big crate and one medium sized crate.

I laugh. “Thank you.”

“Well I should let you sleep. Good night.” He says already half way out of the door.

“Good night.” I say. He smiles and nods his head then leaves closing the door behind him. I crouch down and open the crates. The first one is filled with clothes, three t-shirts black, white and gray, three long sleeve shirts same colors, three blue jeans, two jean shorts, four pairs of underwear, two bras, and four pairs of socks. The other box is filled with two pairs of tennis shoes, a brush, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and a towel. I close the crates. I really need a shower but I am too tired to do anything. I climb into the hammock and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Through The Maze //The Maze Runner//Where stories live. Discover now