Part two

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I was minding my own business in the firehouse just training the usual until I saw them all go somewhere.
"What's happening?" I asked
"Rescue mission there is a forest on fire" Kade said

"Oh okay then" I said as I just continued to train
I noticed chase staring at me I waved
"Hey chase what's up!" I said
He noticed that I caught him staring and me and waved back turning blue.

Is...he alright?

He then left with the others so the whole time I was just exploring the base and training then they came back.

"Hey dani" I said
"Yeah moon?" She replies
"Can you teach me about earth I don't fully understand it" I asked
"What do ya mean?" She said smiling
"Like what are humans like?" I asked sitting down

"Well humans are like cybertronians except we are out of flesh and blood we all have our own characteristics and appearances" she explained

"Oh cool! Wait what's that?" I asked
"That's a tv" She said questionable
"I'm terribly sorry dani if I'm making you uncomfortable" I apologised
"Oh no! It is just you seem so curious about everything the other bots didn't seem like that when they first came here" Dani said

"O-oh heh Yeah when you've been in the elite guard and the academy you rarely get to travel and all so this is my first time yknow having a break" I explained

"What was the guard like?" Dani asked

"It was cool we would train,spar go out on the battlefield Optimus and his commander ultra Magnus would train us yes good ol' Magnus would go hard on us but we made it out just fine I had a few friends from outside my duty as a guard but I think they've sadly passed away like cybertron..." I said as I looked away sadly

"I'm so sorry about your friends and planet but don't worry we will be your friends!" Dani said

"Thanks dani and it is alright it wasn't your fault it was megatron...but anyway no need to look at the past right now I am happy to be here and hopefully be apart of the team" I said happily

"You already have and I think the bots really like you especially chase!" Dani explained

I blushed and smiled
"Heh" I only replied with
Then Dani went with blades don't know why tho but okay

I walked around to see what everyone was doing
"Hey graham,boulder whatcha guys up to?" I asked
"Solving these equations" Graham replies

It looked like gibberish to me
"Oh cool! I'm not really that smart but you two are!" I said as I sighed
"I'm sure you are! But thank you" boulder said

"It's alright well I better let you two do your thing" I said as I waved

Heatwave was talking with Optimus I kinda wanted to find chase I was fond of him he seemed like a nice guy.

I finally found him in the living room watching a movie?
I sat next to him
"Hello chase" I said smiling
"O-oh h-hey m-moon" he replies
"Whatcha watching?" I asked
"Cody told me they were 'old gangster movies' they seem really interesting w-wanna watch with me?" He asked

"Sure!" I said as i scooted next to him and watched it

(Chase's PoV)

As me and moon were watching the movie I kept blushing and smiling but why?

I might need to ask Cody or the chief later..
Moon is so interesting I might say she's a elite guard!
And was taught by Optimus and the ultra Magnus!

Maybe I just envy her yeah that's probably it heh..
"This is very interesting chase I can certainly see why you love this movie so much" she said smiling at him
"T-thank you moon I am surprised y-you like it the other bots said it was boring" I replied

"Well you shouldn't let their opinions stop you everyone is different in their own way" she explained
"Y-Yes t-thanks" I stuttered

(Moon-blade's PoV)
When the movie ended it was late at night and I just stayed awake I sorta have trouble recharging so I just stay awake until I can go back into recharge.

"Well that movie was actually good" I said to chase
"It is isn't it" he said
"Do you get tired chase?" I asked
"Well yes I do why? Do you?"He replied
"Heh not really I have trouble recharging since I was in statis for a thousand years" I replied

"Like humans you should get at least 8 hours or recharge/sleep" chase said sternly

"you really are a law officer huh?"I said
"Yes I like to read law books and I go by the rules" he explains
"Anyway it's like 1:00 you should go to recharge" chase said
"I...I can't I have trouble sleeping" I admitted

He grabbed my arm as he pulled me as I fell into recharge...
Why did I feel

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