Part 11

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It has been 7 earth years and things changed a lot a rescue bot academy opened up and five little ones were chosen to become the next rescue bots.

I was talking with chase about this
"Heh can you believe time has passed by quick?" I asked
"It certainly has sweet spark and with you being here is just better for me" chase replied

"Aww" I said
"Anyway!,shall we go see the new comers?" I asked
"Of course" chase replied as we went to the centre

There were five little autobots with heatwave,boulder and blades

"Welcome everyone to rescue bot academy each of you will become rescue bots and help the people and life on Earth I am Heatwave this is boulder,blades,chase and moon-blade" heatwave explained

"Guys these are the new recruits hotshot,wedge,whirl,hoist and medix" heatwave said to us

"Oh my stars!!!" Whirl said as she ran up to me

"Your a elite guard!! I heard so much about it and your super duper cool!!!!" She said happily and excitedly

"T-thanks kid you must be whirl I presume" I said patting her head
"Yeah!! Will you be teaching us!?" She asked
"Yeah I will teach you all combat and cybertronian history!" I replied

"Awesome!!" Whirl said

"Right everyone you are all in my class first follow me" Heatwave said as the kids followed him.

I smiled to myself as I walked around the academy I haven't actually seen the full place yet so I may as well look around...


I walked back into my class to see the kids just about to walk in

"Hi Moonblade!" Everyone said
"Heya Guys you can all just call me Moon it's alright anyway you guys ready to learn combat or the history of cybertron"I asked

"Combat!" Whirl,hotshot,hoist and wedge said
"History!" Medic replies

Everyone just looked at him Oof poor guy

"What? I like history it's important to learn about our planet and its culture!" Medic explained

I giggled as I spoke
"Your just like chase"
"Really??" Medic asked
"Well Yeah chase use to be all about how laws are important or the amount of times he pulled someone over he was a police bot and still is one" I replied

"How do you know chase so well?" Hoist asked
"Well me and him are sparkmates" I replied
"Like dating!!!" Whirl screamed

"Y-Yeah guess you shout louder than Dani and that's saying something heheheh! Anyway so we will learn cybertronian history for this lesson because chase wouldn't let me use the dummies as combat practice cause apparently y'all are too young for that soo" I explained

"Can we hear your backstory??" Whirl asked
"O-oh you really don't want to" I replied
"Aww please!!" Whirl asked again

I looked at everyone as they agreed with whirl
"Alright then get comfy guys" I replied as I sat down

"Okay so it all started when I was round about your age..." I started to tell them


I was only 11 years old and I lived with my carrier,sire,and my brother solarblade on cybertron.(Solarbalde was 13)

"Moon!" Solarblade said
"Yeah? Solar?" I replied
"Sire is back!" He replied

Our sire was the best elite guard on cybertron he helped save his world and its people.It would be great! Whenever he would come back from war he would tells us it!

So when I was 13 my sire convinced Optimus to let me join the guard but I had to be training hard until I was 16 I officially joined the guard along side with my sire.

But then one day there was a war and as we went out to the battlefield I saw my sire die before my very optics.

"SIRE!!" Was the last thing I said as everything went black....

I woke up on a medical berth...
"Moonblade" ratchet said
"Ratchet...? What happened..." I asked
"Well you were knocked out by a bomb luckily you survived but some bots along with your sire....didn't make it...I'm so sorry for your loss..." ratchet explained

Those words hit me like bullets...
As I went back home my carrier and brother hugged me tightly as we all cried..

"Carrier...I'm so's all my fault!" I cried
"Sweetie look at me...don't blame yourself for something you didn't do...your sire would've wanted you to be alive we all are so glad your alive..." carrier cried

From that day forward I wanted to defend my planet just like sire did and eventually I started to save earth and meet the rescue bots


"And that's my backstory kiddos" I replied
"Wow!" Whirl replied
"We are sorry for your loss Moon" wedge said
"It''s alright guys he's in a better place now" I replied smiling
"Moon" Chase said as he peeked through my class

"O-Oh Hello chase what brings you here?" I asked
"I was hoping if you would meet me on the hill after the cycle is over" he replied

"S-sure" I replied he nodded as he walked away
"AWWWW" whirl shouted
"H-heh uh a-Anyway! Class dismissed guys go enjoy ur break!" I said to them.

"So how dose it feel to teach kids?" Cody asked me
"It's alright they listen well to me and they all seem to be nice" I replied

So after that the day was over I went to the hill chase wanted me to meet him on.

"Chase?" I said
I stood in front of him he seemed nervous
"Are you alright chase...?" I said as I touched his shoulder blade
"Moon...I wish to ask you something...but I fear you might think of me as stupid for it..." chase replied

"Chasey I would never think that way of you I love you" I replied
He sighed and looked at me smiling
"Will....will you spark bond with me...?" He asked
I gasp in surprise
"C-Chase...I would love to" I said

"Come sweetspark" he said as he grabbed my hand as he started walking to somewhere I was curious where

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