Chapter Twelve: The Ugly Truth

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Anna grunted as Riddle threw her across the floor of the chamber. She coughed out the dirt that clogged her throat as she glared up at Riddle/Ginny, who laughed at her before exiting Ginny’s body, who fell to the ground with a resounding ‘thud’.

“Finally,” He mused, rubbing his wrists. He didn’t look human, but he also didn’t look like Nearly-Headless Nick either. He looked back at Ginny’s motionless form. “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine.” He reassured Anna as she growled, but crawled a few steps backwards on her elbows.

“What...what do you want from me? I’m not Harry. I’m not important.” She said as Riddle laughed - as if she had just said something hilarious. “Oh my dear - that’s just where you’re wrong.” He began to walk around her in circles - taunting her. Anna’s own mind was also running in circles, trying to figure out what Riddle was saying.

“You see,” He began. “Unlike my ‘real self’, floating somewhere out in this world, half dead and half alive, I have figured out the pieces that he has yet to solve.” Riddle said joyously. Anna continued to crawl backwards as he came closer. “Your mother sacrificed her life so that you and your brother could survive - as they say, a mother’s love for their children triumphs all.”

“Get to the point.” Anna seethed. Riddle gave her a smirk. “Patience, young Potter. I haven’t finished.” He said, then continued. “When he-I used the killing curse on you and your brother, something miraculous happened. You - a four day old infant, took the liberty to step in front of him and protect him.”

He took a pained breath - as if thinking about his defeat physically hurt him. “The protection spell that formed when your mother ten-folded when you did what you did. But, in this world, there always has to be a balance of good and evil, and your sacrifice created something...deliciously dark.” He mused, looking into Anna’s eyes. “It created a deal of some sort. The Dark Lord may be gone for now, Anna, but just wait! Just wait until I return!” He cackled crazily. “The only way to kill me, Voldemort, is if your brother….kills you.”

No!” Anna shouted - as if that would make it all untrue as Riddle laughed maliciously. Harry would never do it - she knew that much. But that meant…

“That’s right!” Riddle shouted, as if he could read her thoughts. “I have won! As long as you live and breathe, I win! As long as your brother refuses to kill you, I win.” His eyes suddenly looked red. “And if I kill you before he gets the chance, I win.”

But before he could pounce, a loud voice shouted “CONFRINGO!”, and Riddle was flung across the room and Harry was suddenly by her side. “Anna, are you alright?” He asked immediately, his eyes immediately falling on her torn jeans and wound. “You aren’t.” He answered himself.

Anna noticed that he wasn’t talking about what Riddle had just revealed, and almost visibly sighed in relief. She didn’t want him to know...not yet. She was about to laugh when she heard a large hissing, and saw the movement of scales behind him. “Kill…” The voice - the basilisk groaned. “Harry! Behind you!” She exclaimed before shutting her eyes shut to prevent from looking into its eyes.

She didn’t hear Harry gasp or anything, but the patter of steps as he ran and began to fight the beast. Deciding to make herself useful, Anna trudged over to Ginny, attempting to shake her awake. “Ginny!” She shouted, shaking her shoulders. “Ginny! Wake up!”

She suddenly heard a large gasp, and whipped her head around to see Harry collapse. He had been bitten. “Harry! No!” She screamed, beginning to crawl towards him - feeling utterly powerless. Suddenly, Anna heard the screech of a bird, and looked up to see Dumbledore’s phoenix - Fawkes - soaring through the air, landing next to Harry. She watched in amazement as the tears healed his leg, and he defeated the basilisk quickly, with the help of the sword from the sorting hat.

“Thanks, Superman. I got it from here.” Anna teased as she fully sat up. “Your leg..” He only trailed off weakly. “It’s nothing.” She lied with a grimace. Fawkes suddenly flew next to her, shedding a few more tears as her leg was miraculously healed. Anna laughed in amazement, grabbing at her thigh to make she that the pain really was gone as she laughed again.

“Anna? Harry?” The two Potters turned around to see Ginny, beginning to wake. “Ginny!” Anna shouted, standing up as she ran to her best friend, tackling Ginny in a hug. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” She cried into Anna’s shoulder. “Wait!” She suddenly exclaimed, separating from Anna. “The diary! Did you destroy it?” She asked as Harry smiled, holding up a very-tattered-and-destroyed looking diary. “I think he got it.” Anna chuckled.

“GINNY! ANNA!” The three of them heard Ron shouting through the wall of rocks. “Ron!” Ginny exclaimed as she ran towards him - hugging her brother through the rocks. “Thank Merlin! Mom’s not going to kill me!” Ron exclaimed in relief, ending their moment.

“What’s the professor doing here?” Anna asked, pointing to a very confused looking Lockhart. “Me? I’m a professor? I must be so smart!” He gasped. Harry sighed, shaking his head. “Long story.” He pointed upwards. “How are we going to get up there?” He asked in confusion - just realizing their next problem. Ron gave them a wicked smile, eyeing Fawkes.

The next thing Anna knew, the four of them were hanging onto the back of Fawkes’s tail feathers, soaring upwards and back up towards the school. Anna sighed in relief - finally feeling safe. The voices were gone - there was nothing more to worry about. Well…

She looked up at Harry, who looked so proud of himself. How was she going to tell him the truth when he looked so happy? So she only shook her head a smiled, willing the thought out of her mind. They still had to enjoy the little victories. She could wait to tell him later.

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