Welcome Nigerian gems!

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Contest rules:

We are happy to announce the arrival of writing contests held by Nigerian gems!

If you're a Nigerian and interested in participating, all you have to do is follow the following steps:

1) Your entry should be in a book and should have the tag #Nigeriangems.

2) Dedicate your entry to Nigeriangems

3) Comment 'Done' on the specific contest Chapter indicating that you've finished writing and have published your entry.

4) Be sure to follow the specific rules indicated on the specific contest.

5) Tag at least 3 people right here on this chapter.

6) Vote for this chapter and for the contest chapter you are participating in.

7) We won't be judging your entry cover but try to make it beautiful or at least unique and creative. Remember it's your work and other people will be reading it too.

These rules are very simple so it shouldn't be that hard to follow but if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions send a message to us Nigeriangems.

Since this is not an award the prizes will not be anything fancy. The recognition of your good writing should be enough but just to make things more interesting.

1st place:

*A first-place sticker.

*Your entry will be added to our new Nigerian gems contests reading list.

*A shout-out to our followers.

*An interview (not compulsory but if you're interested just indicate)

2nd place:

*A second-place sticker

*Your entry will be added to our new Nigerian gems contests reading list.

3rd place

* A Third place sticker

* Your entry will be added to our new Nigerian gems contests reading list.

Final notes:

Some of you may already know about Nigerian gems but for those that don't know yet, Nigerian gems is a platform that was created by ZharahCollins to help advertise and promote books written by Nigerians.

If you're a Nigerian writer and you're interested in promoting your book then just send us a private message and if you're just a reader then feel free to check out reading lists that contain stories written by Nigerians.

Nigerian gems Contests (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now