Contest 1: Life

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Let's start with something simple.

Write a 500-word story or essay on the topic life. What does it mean to you, what has it taught you? You could decide to mix things up and add a twist to it if you so please. You could decide to base it off a quote or start it with a quote. Just be creative and try to make your work unique, let it be something people who know you will read and say yes it's you that actually wrote it.

Avoid mistakes!
Even though it's very hard not to have mistakes in your work, try to make it as mistake free as possible.

Try to organize it!
Don't let everything to be in one large paragraph. Try to split into at least 3 paragraphs.

And other stuff that you would look out for when you're writing an essay for your English teacher.

The deadline is going to be 2 weeks after the official commencement. That is you have 2 weeks to write your entry and submit it after the contest has begun.

Note: Number of words required for all the contests in this book is the same and it is 500 words. Hey, it's just 50 words more than WAEC's required amount so it's not much.

By 500 words we mean it should not be less than 500 words and should not be more than 599 words.

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