uncle calum: two

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This tour was a little different than the ones before. There were extended breaks between shows for the boys to go see their families or family to come see them. Calum saw his wife occasionally, but her work kept her from flying out as often. He enjoyed the days when the boy's families would fly to them. Calum enjoyed the days he got to spend with his nieces and nephews. Micheal was even expecting his next kid while Calum was still waiting for the day he could experience the love of his own child.
LAX had never felt so welcoming when they made it home. The usual crowd of fans was off to the side, waiting patiently while the boys were attacked by the small crowd of kids under six. Micahel's little girl was five now, Ashton had a three-year-old, and Luke's little boy was getting close to two. Calum felt his heart swell when little Clifford chose to hug him before her dad. He knew he would never hear the end of that.
They went their own ways at the exit door. The guys never hung out as much as they used to, since their families took precedence over their friends. Calum was glad to be back at his home with the love of his life by his side. They had discussed over the phone while he was gone that they were ready to start trying when he got back, and they didn't waste a moment.
It was weeks before she was overwhelmed with a bought of morning sickness. The plastic stick in the restroom formed two pink lines, and they jumped for joy. Tears poured down their cheeks in the pure happiness they felt in that moment. They couldn't imagine a better feeling.
It was months before that feeling of happiness was just a distant memory that they had forgotten. They recalled the worst moment of their lives to date. She awoke in the middle of the night with cramps attacking her abdomen. The blood on the sheets was a sign of a nightmare. A nightmare that they couldn't wake up from and push to the back of their minds. A nightmare that ended the happiest few months of their lives.
Calum slept in the guest room for days on end. He was angry at nothing in particular, mainly the world. He didn't acknowledge the hot tears that met his cheeks each night when he got caught up in his thoughts. She slept alone, crying herself to sleep while her husband pretended he couldn't hear the sobs through the wall. They were broken, and while they knew exactly what the other was going through, they couldn't bear to comfort each other.
They didn't see their friends, they didn't eat together, barely eating at all, and they didn't talk.
"We need counseling," she announced once her and Calum were in the same room. It was a rare occurrence these days.
"No, we don't."
"Calum, you can't act like everything is fine. It's not! We're not okay!" Her raising voice did nothing to make Calum believe it.
"It won't bring our baby back," Calum whispered. His elbows rested on his knees while his head was in his hands. She went to him and draped an arm around his shoulders.
"Nothing will, but I'm tired of living like strangers. It's time to admit that we're at rock bottom, and we need help. Please."
Calum didn't really think it was fine, but he knew it would help her, and if it helped her, maybe it would help him. It was another six months before they were feeling almost normal. They slept in the same room, they ate together, and they even laughed. When Michael had his son, they didn't break like they expected they would. They couldn't since they never opened up about what had happened. No one knew the loss they experienced. They even started trying for a baby once again after hanging out with Micheal's family a couple days a week. Nothing happened.
"We have to stop trying, Cal."
"Wha-what do you mean?" He didn't want to sound angry, but he was bordering it.
"No, just, stop trying as in just let it happen. Maybe the world is against us, so we are no longer 'trying' we are just gonna see what happens."
"It'll happen when it happens, and we can't force it. Okay."
The world progressed around them while they felt like they were in slow motion. Michael's daughter was about to graduate from kindergarten, and his son was turning one. Ashton's son was going into kindergarten, and a three-month-old little girl was welcomed into the world. Luke's son was three with a nine-month-old little brother. Calum had been officially not trying for a baby for a while now.
Their life was back to normal. Calum spent occasional days in the studio while she went to work. They had weekend date nights, and dinner during the week with the bandmates and families. He felt closer to his wife and closer to his band.
One day while Calum was at the studio, his wife went to an annual checkup at the doctor's office. After blood work and tests, everything was negative, and she was healthy, not that she expected any other result.
"Alright, Mrs. Hood, we have one final test for you today," the nurse announced walking into the room with a clipboard in hand.
"The doctor said that last one was it?" Her face showed shock with a little disappointment since she thought the poking and prodding was over.
"Let me grab a cup right over here. It's just a simple pregnancy test."
Her breathing slowed as a gasp escaped her lips. It had been so long since she had taken one, and was understandably scared. If it were negative, it would be disappointing, but if it were positive, would it have the same ending as the last? She took a deep breath as the nurse handed her the cup.
"There's a restroom down the hall, last door on the left. Come back in here when you're done, and you can either wait for the results or we can call you later."
The hallway seemed to go on for hours, and things didn't get easier once she closed the door. A cup. She was intimidated by a plastic cup.
"Okay, Mrs. Hood, you will get within twenty-four hours with the results. Have a nice day."
She had nowhere to be, so she could've waited, but she didn't want to be face-to-face with someone when she found out. But, she didn't anticipate the fear that would come with every sound her phone made.
The ringing startled her as she leaned against the kitchen counter waiting for leftovers to warm in the microwave. She took a deep breath before accepting the call. She had already told herself that she wouldn't tell Calum right away whatever the results may be. She also told herself that she wouldn't have any negative thoughts about what had happened before if the results were positive, but she had no reason to believe she was pregnant.
"Hello, Mrs. Hood, I've got your results."
She didn't have any words to say.
"Congratulations, ma'am. We've sent your updated file to your OBGYN. Please call them to make an appointment in the near future."
"Thank you."
Such a simple phone call that meant her life would be anything but simple for the next nine months. Disbelievement was happening in her mind. She would process it soon, but for now, there were no thoughts and no words.
"If you look right there, you can see your baby's head."
Calum squeezed her hand harder as they looked at each other. The screen was giving them a look inside her six-month-pregnant belly.
"Now, everything's been developing normally, but I want you to understand that this is a high-risk pregnancy. Nobody ever wants to think about the bad possibilities, but you need to be aware: there is a chance that you or the baby might not make it. In rare cases, neither may survive."
It was harsh news, yeah, but it didn't hit them as hard as it had the first time they heard it. It was like a broken record that they heard at every appointment. They knew the risks, but they knew what they wanted. They wanted their family, and they were going to try their hardest to achieve that.
Seven months in, a baby shower overwhelmed them with gifts. They didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, but that wasn't important. They weren't focusing on the little details, they were focusing on having a healthy baby.
Eight months in, something wasn't right.
"Calum, we need to go to the hospital!"
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know, but we need to go. Now!"
He drove fast. Their hearts were racing. She was right.
"Mrs. Hood, take some deep breaths for me. We need to get this baby out." She nodded.
One hour later, they had a baby.
"It's a girl!" The doctor announced as he held the small girl. All her parents did was cry.
"This is perfect." Calum admitted as he sat next to his wife holding their daughter.
"I don't regret a single thing. I love you both so much." She said as she placed the baby in his waiting arms.
"Love you." He told her before placing a kiss on her lips. He stood up with his daughter to walk away when the machines started beeping. A nurse rushed in.
"She's coding!"
The room became frantic as scrub-wearing people rushed in. At some point Calum was pushed out the door. He didn't know what was happening on the other side of the door, but he knew it wasn't good. He looked down at the small child in his arms as a tear slipped onto his cheek.
"I don't know what the future holds, but you're going to move mountains, baby girl. I just know it."

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