dad luke

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Luke walked into the third store in the last fifteen minutes. He had been searching for a movie that he hadn't gotten the time to see during tour, and it wasn't streaming on any video service. It had been released in stores earlier that day, and he couldn't believe it was sold out everywhere he had been. As he approached the electronics section of the store, he watched a young woman pick up the last copy of the DVD. Now that he knew there was at least one copy in this store, and he could see it, he wasn't leaving without it. He walked over to the woman and patted her shoulder to grab her attention.
"Hi, um, sorry to disturb you, but I need that movie." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow before chuckling.
"You need it? What if I need it?" She didn't though. She wasn't even going to buy it. She had heard the name and knew it was popular, but she was only interested in reading the plot summary on the back.
Luke threw his head back and rubbed his hand across his forehead. He was dying to see this movie and wanted to see it now.
"I will give you $50 to let me buy it." She laughed. He couldn't be serious.
"You know there are, like, five other stores in this area that sell movies."
"I've looked. I'm tired. I just want to watch it, please."
The woman loved watching him in his small crisis over the DVD in her hand. She also knew that he was Luke Hemmings, and she was a fan giving him an experience he would never forget. She looked at him with his pleading eyes.
"You can even come to my house to watch it. Please just let me have it."
"How do I know you aren't a killer that is using this movie to get me back to your house."
"Oh my God. If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it before now and been on my way with that movie."
"Okay, I'll let you buy the movie if you give me one of those hoodies." She said eyeing his 5SOS hoodie.
"Deal. Done. Sure. Let's go."
"Not so fast. I'll take a beanie, too."
"You've got it. Let's go."
They walked out into the parking lot together after Luke had successfully purchased the movie. He offered her a ride in his car, but she said she would follow him to his. As they walked to his front door, she decided to speak again.
"I've got to say, Hemmings, it's not usually a good idea to bring random people to your house."
"Oh, fuck. You wanted a hoodie because you're a fan, huh? I'm not sleeping with you." Luke was starting to wonder if he had made a mistake. She seemed like a cool person, so he hoped she wouldn't give out his address or try to get him to bed.
"Don't worry about it. I'm more of an Ashton girl. Lead singers just aren't my cup of tea."
"Oh. My. God. Leave right now. I'm so offended." Again, she looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. "I'm just kidding! Let's go inside, I believe I still owe you a hoodie, beanie, and a showing of a movie."
He was right in his decision to trust the woman. Six months later, he had officially gotten her to switch lanes. It helped that Ashton was fawning over some girl from Paris that none of the guys knew about. She grew to appreciate Luke's stupid humor and everything else.
"Can you believe you used to be a hardcore Ashton girl?"
"What do you mean used to be? He can still get it." Luke was not happy at his girlfriend's joke. At least he hoped it was a joke.
"I kidding. I love you even though you can't drum."
Luke was the second of the group to get married. Nobody had expected him to settle down so soon, but his bandmates were happy for him. He still enjoyed his life in the party scene, and still went out with Calum after the other boys had bailed. Eventually, his wife was tired of going to clubs or staying home alone while he did.
"Dude, I can't go out Friday."
"That's cool. Saturday then?"
"No, Cal, not Friday and not Saturday. Date night is Friday, and we relax the rest of the weekend."
"Man, you are so whipped. Can't even have one day of the weekend for yourself anymore."
"It's called being an adult, Cal. You should try it some time."
Luke was angry after his conversation with Calum, but he knew it was coming. Calum had bitched about the time that Michael stopped going and again with Ash. Clubbing and partying were things that reminded him of his teen years, and he would rather spend time with his wife instead of strangers on a dancefloor.
"So, babe, what do you think? Blue or green?"
Luke looked up at his wife as she held two blankets in her hand.
"The green would look good with his carseat. I don't like that shade of blue."
She threw the green blanket in the cart before turning to the sheet sets next to her. They were walking around a baby store trying to pick up a few more things before their baby arrived. It would be about three more weeks before they became parents, and they had been using Mike's and Ash's kids as practice. They were getting to change their fair share of diapers while cleaning up spit-up, and chasing the kids around the house. Hanging around their friend's kids was definitely great practice for the soon-to-be parents, and the kids were still in tact.
"Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke! Watch this!" Luke turned to look at his niece at the sound of her voice. They were celebrating Little Clifford's fifth birthday at the Clifford residence. Luke watched the little girl run to her swing set and lay her belly on the seat of the swing before swinging. Her giggles could be heard across the backyard. Soon, he heard Ashton's son screaming for his attention, too.
"Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke! I can do it, too!" Luke watched the little boy do exactly as the girl had. He didn't understand why they were only wanting his attention, but he felt like the favorite uncle at the moment, so he didn't mind. It was a constant competition for the guys to be the best uncle, Calum was often the winner, and they let him be.
Soon, Luke had both children screaming his name to watch them swing, slide, or run. After hearing his name for the billionth time, he started hearing it from someone else.
"Uncle Wuke! Wuke! Uncle Wuke!"
Luke turned to see his son excitedly shouting for his attention from a high chair. His wife found it hilarious, and so did his friends. The little boy was giggling and jumping in his seat at all the attention he was getting.
"Uncle Wuke!"
"No, buddy, it's daddy. Say 'daddy' for me." Luke tried to convince his son.
"Uncle Wuke!" Luke groaned and gave up. His son had been saying momma and a slew of other random words, but had yet to call Luke anything. At least his son had found a way to get his attention even if Luke wasn't too fond of it.
Luke's son was two when his wife decided that her baby needed a sibling. Nine months later, he had another little boy. Michael had a son a few months before which made both bandmates very happy. They believed their two boys would grow up as the best of friends even though all the guys knew their kids would be close. After all, they lived in close proximity and spent almost all their time together when the dads were on tour.
Luke figured he had at least another year or two before his wife would decide they wanted a little girl in their family, but Luke was pretty content with his two boys. His older son had finally come to the realization that Luke was his dad and not to be referred to as Uncle Wuke, Luke was ecstatic.
Luke would never forget the day he met his wife. That day was also the first time she would take one of his hoodies, and it definitely wasn't the last. He only had a couple of hoodies he could actually claim as his own at this point, but he loved the way they looked on her. He loved that he didn't listen to his friends when they told him dating a fan would be a mistake. He always told them, "It's a good thing she's not a fan of me then. She only likes Ashton." They never thought it would last, but they were eating their words now. She was beyond happy to have Luke in her life and his two clones.
"Hey, babe, you thought I was difficult sometimes, but now I have two mini-me's. Three times the fun!" She looked at her three boys sitting together on their bed and couldn't help but smile. Those three boys were lucky they were cute.

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