Chapter 9

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I start walking fast away from him. Blake starts begging me to come back. I stop. I turn around and see tears running down his face. He gets up off of his knee's and walks towards me.
"Brook, why"? He asks again. A little more strength in his voice.
"I'm really sorry". I say. I'm on the edge of crying. But I won't.
"Please stop doing this to yourself, I'm here for you now babygirl". He pulls me into a hug.
I start tearing up. My eyes getting cloudy. Tears start rushing down my face. I forgot how it felt to cry, to let my feelings out. Realization kicked in and I dropped to the floor. Blake held me till I stopped crying.
"I'm so sorry Blake". I finally let out.
"Dont be Brook". He says.
My phone rang. It's Trey. I answered it.
"Where the hell are you"!!
"I'm on my way home now Trey".
I looked at Blake. He just nodded. I got up and started walking. Not even a minute later anxiety started knocking on my chest. I slowed down. I dont know why but I turned around. There was nothing there so I turned my head. The next thing I know something was over my head. I screamed, I heard a low voice say "Shut up" before blacking out.

This was a short one but I'm making another chapter so dont worry.

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