"Silhouette" was the quite the word that one could use to describe this evening.
The bleak body of water gaped its wide expanse, rippling unforgivingly as to not reflect the goings-on of land.
Surrounding the expanse was a vaguely depicted forest, painted in black and seeming squat as the distance grew, rounding the bank and severing the distant world from view, confining this space as its own.
In front of this dense forest, shows of civilization were shaped only by use of light and dark, white contrast alluding to its presence, but only just enough to maintain ambiguity.
Sprouting from the left of the brush was a distant set of docks to match, built rusticly and vying for attention. Its utility poles reached high into the sky, tethered by wire, and its legs reached low beyond the water, shadowed only slightly by its reluctant surface.
All of this was placed on the haunting backdrop of an again grey sky, accompanied only by whitened clouds and a dusty light beaming from long to the left, allowing the river to adopt some light and shine just a bit brighter before fading back into shadow.
All of this was a scene exclusively of blacks and whites, perceivable as you will.
All of this was a forlorn ode to you.

Her Nostalgic Memories
RandomScenic Descriptions. Collab with itsDnP's "My Nostalgic Photography". Read both for the full experience. -Cover photo by itsDnP-