Chapter XV - Margaery

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Not a particularly long chapter I'm afraid, I just thought that I'd fill in some gaps as to how Margaery feels, you know, stuff like that.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, as usual, thank you so much for reading!


To say that I loathe my life is an understatement. In fact, I may go so far as to say that it's the biggest understatement ever made.

I detest my life. I would gladly die and not miss a single thing. And nobody would miss me, not really anyway. They'd be lying if they said that they would.

You might be thinking, what could be so bad about my life? And I suppose that I could understand that. I've always had money and food to eat, I was raised in gowns of silk and threads of gold, I was even married into the most powerful house in Westeros, other than the Lannisters of course. And now here I am, ready to sit as Queen of Westeros beside Joffrey on the Iron Throne. So why do I hate my life so much?

It's because my life is a lie.

Everything is a lie. My husband, Renly, he never loved me. He couldn't even bring himself to consummate our marriage. Why? Because he was in love with my brother. My own brother. The man that I share a mother and father with, stole my husband's love from me.

But I suppose I'd rather Renly loved Loras than a complete stranger.

When Renly died, I thought that was the end. Though our marriage was never consummated and I remained pure in the eyes of the Gods, I couldn't help but be terrified of what would happen to me next. Would I be sent back to Highgarden to die an old maid, or would I have to face the terrifying prospect of remarrying and possibly having to endure the heartbreak of my first marriage all over again.

But when Loras told me about his plan for me to marry the King, Joffrey, I couldn't help but be excited. Surely as King, he wouldn't be in the position to humiliate me as I had been humiliated before?

But now he was doing just that, he was sworn to me when his heart belonged to another.

The thing was, they thought that I couldn't see it. They believed my facade of complete ignorance to what they were doing and how they felt. They thought that I didn't notice the fleeting glances, the prolonged moments of daydreaming, a tell-tale sign of someone in love.

I had actually at one point liked Arienne, she didn't have the same stupid bubbliness as Jayne and Marissa, yet she wasn't sour and silent like Sansa. She was the only one of my ladies that I believed I could trust. But then when Joffrey came to visit me that day, to tell me that he was going off on a hunt, I watched as he spoke to her with more respect than he ever granted me. And I watched in the mirror that reflected him staring into Arienne's eyes whilst his arms were wrapped around me, his wife.

Now of course I have a burning hatred for her that is so strong I could wring her pretty little neck and kill her myself. There is no way that I will allow her to take my crown and my husband away from me.

My hatred was only confirmed when I, out of the goodness of my heart, allowed her to take the rest of the day off to nurse her injured hand, the damage done due to her own stupidity. Only minutes afterwards, my future mother-in-law herself, Cersei Lannister, turned up and requested that I take a walk with her. We weren't walking for long, perhaps 5 minutes before we arrived at Joffrey's rooms with the intention of asking him to join us upon our stroll. And what should I see when Cersei opens the door?

Arienne, sat practically on Joffrey's lap, about to kiss the King.

They clearly don't believe that I saw because they spring apart so suddenly that anyone who had any less than 20/20 vision would have missed it. But my eyesight is perfect and I saw every movement, every loving smile and longing gaze. And I know Joffrey's intentions, I can tell from a single glance and it breaks my already battered heart.

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