Ch. 20 - 3 of 3

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Kairi POV:

It's now the last day of our third week of finishing up our debut album. All we really did this week was a lot of photo shoots for the album, teasers, and filming two music videos for 'You and Me (Forever)' and 'Halo'. We were able to finish up the filming for 'You and Me (Forever)' on Wednesday and we're barely finishing the filming for 'Halo' today. "Hey does anyone know our schedules for next week?" Jackie says as she takes a sip from her bottle of water.

"We have the next week off since we finished up everything we had to do. We just have to wait for the editors to edit the videos and then wait for the album release date." I reply back to Jackie's question and sit back down on my chair to rest. "Hey you think Matt and Y/N are done filming their part?" I ask Brit who's crawling to a table full of food. "I hope they are, I wanna eat already." She says and sniffles a bit, I then get up from my chair, walk to the table, grab an apple and give it to her. "I don't like apples! You should know this!"

She then throws the apple and hits Jackie's face with the apple. "Brit! What the heck!? You just knocked out Jackie!" I grab Brit by the ear and drag her to the corner of the room. "Now stay right here or no dinner for you!" Brit then silently nods at what I said and stays in the corner.


Matt and I just finished filming our parts, seems like it'll be good. Right now we're going to meet up with the others so we can go have dinner since we finished our schedule for today. "Hey Y/N, can I ask you a random question?"

"You just did." I respond back to Matt. "Ok, can I ask you two questions?" I turn to Matt and smirk at him. "You also just did that." Matt then lightly punches my arm and chuckles. "Ok how about four questions?" I laugh a bit while taking off my jacket and slinging it over my shoulder. "Alright shoot then."

"So what's Jennie to you?" I then freeze a little bit and I start thinking about Jennie and how much I miss her. "S-she's just a f-friend." Oh gosh why am I stuttering?? I know I miss her since we haven't talked in a while because of their schedule but am I falling for her?

"Hey Y/N?" No I can't be. After or date at that diner I tried getting over her and Mina so I can focus on my career. "Y/N??" Come on Y/N! Get yourself together! You can't like Jennie right now! You have a career and a dating ban now! "Hey guys come here! I think Y/N is broken!"

I suddenly feel a really sharp pain on my left cheek. "Hey what the heck who slapped me?!" I say as I snap out of my thoughts and see that everyone else but Brit is in front of me. "Geez about time, it took a slap from Kairi for you to snap out of it.

I see that Kairi and Matt are pouting and Jackie is swiping through pictures of me that she just took. "Kairi, Matt, I'm so sorry and Jackie please delete those!"

"Pay for our dinner and maybe I'll delete them" Jackie says and doesn't even look up from her phone. "Pay and maybe we'll forgive you." I then look at Jackie who's sending the pictures to our group chat with Blackpink and Twice. "How about I cook as long as Jackie unsends the pictures?"

"I'll unsend them if you either cook us food, or take us out to eat." I sigh and agree to Jackie's terms. "Alright then let's all go home. I'll make food." Then from out of nowhere, we hear a really loud thud coming from the room Kairi and Jackie came out of. "Brit!" We start running to the room and we see Brit laying on the floor with a sandbag on her head. "Jackie call 911!"

I take off the sandbag from Brit and I see that she's bleeding. "Kairi get me some towels and bandages if you can find any!" Kairi and Matt then goes off to find some and then come back with bandages and towels. I clean up Brit's head and wrap her head in the bandages to help stop the bleeding.

Time Skip

We're now at the lobby of a hospital and Brit is being tended to by doctors. We've been here for a few hours now and a doctor just came in through a door. "Friends and Family of Park Brittany?" We stand up and introduce ourselves as the friends and band members of Brit.

"Doctor, how is her condition?"

??? POV:

I enter my dorm and start walking to my room, hoping no one noticed I was gone. "Hey bro where have you been?" I turn around and see Jungkook, who's on the couch and watching videos on his phone. "Oh I was just taking care of something." I say to him and hope he doesn't question anymore. "And what's that something?" Ugh of course he does. "Just dropping off some stuff for a friend." He then makes an 'o' expression with his mouth and then goes back to watching his videos.

He doesn't need to know what I was actually doing. No one has to know about my revenge. And how I hope I hurt him by hurting, or even better, killing, his friend. I'll find out tomorrow.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkookie 🍪:
Hey bro you're right. Something is definitely up with him.

Suga Suga 🍭:
Right!? He's seems colder than usual and his eyes look evil sometimes.

Jungkookie 🍪:
He really does! And I kinda interrogated him a bit right now and he's definitely hiding something.

Suga Suga 🍭:
I'll try to find something out later on. I have to go, my date is right now. See ya later kookie. Stay safe!

"She's My Queen" - A Jennie x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now