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Hi guys, so since it has been 2 or 3 week or so since I last updated, I didn't notice any major changes. BUT today my mum said that my head looks smaller.. and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing, because it has to be proportional to my body. Also, another slight difference I have noticed is that my thighs are becoming slimmer, which I am really happy about.

Guys, one of my problems is that I keep adding and adding to my playlist, and what started off as a 3 or 4 sub playlist eventually becomes a whole album. LOL. 

Oh guys, also, next time onwards i will try to get photos of my pale skin subs result so we can keep track of that progress. But currently, I can see that my skin got a tad bit lighter <3

I have added another sub and a booster to the playlist:

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