The New kid

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Kokichi pov-

I woke up to light rain being tapped against my window,i got up looking around my cyan colored room.It was a mess,i really would clean if i had the motivation.Things have been hard to do with school and family ya know.I get off my bed and walk towards the closet throwing on a black button up shirt and black sweatpants.I usher myself to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth,and start to head out the door.I turn on my car happily starting to play 505 by Artic Monkeys,my car rides are quiet besides the loud music playing.I admire the city i was born looking at the shops and reasurants i had grown to be so familiar with.As time passed by ive grown sad looking out at the city and seeing the people live full and happy lives with ther s/o.I mean god i cant even get anyone to date me and IM PAN?My life is that bad besides the dicks at my school,my family like is distant but managable.Grades being all A's.Yet life doesnt seem so great its so boring feels repitive every single day just with slight changes.My rambling is cut-off with arriving at school.I happily see my friends Rantaro and Nagito(yes i know hes in dr2)and turn off my car.And quickly run over to them with my bag barely holding on to my shoulders."Hey Rantaro,Hi Nagito"i said plainly"Hey,did you hear were getting a new student??"Nagito said exitedly"Really!Do you think it will be a Hot Chick or some scrawny boy like Kokichi"rantaro said laughing."Oh shut up"We walked in the doors through the rowdy and loud high schoolers.We made some chatter and all seperated to go to are lockers i open mine and quickly shoving my books in it.Im really trying to avoid Them today,they will kill my mood way to quick.I get to class and sit at my desk,i pull out some unfinshed work why i wait for the bell to ring."Alright everyone we have a new student!"Mr King says annoyed.Hes probally pissed he has to deal with another kid.A tall boy around 6'0 walks in he has dark teal hair,With yellow eyes.His hair a mess and suit untidy.He must of been in a rush"Hello!My name is Shuichi Saihara,i just moved here i hope to get to know everyone"he sits down next to me.He seems off to me,something about him is so familiar i cant put my finger on it...? 


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