Chapter 5: Trouble for Syaoran

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Sakura exhaled in embarrassment, she could not believe that she had just kissed Li Syaoran... and on the lips of all places. Not to mention, it was her first kiss as well. On the other hand, Syaoran was also in the state of disbelief. Everything felt so surreal for both of them. 

Sakura was the first one to speak up after the long silence. "Shaoran... kun?"

Syaoran jumped and looked at her, "H-Hai?"

Sakura twitched her fingers while looking cutely but scared at the same time, "Are... you.. mad at me?"

Syaoran blinked, "Why would I be?"

Sakura swallowed hard and tried to respond, "W-Well.. b-because.. we.. just.." she looked down.

"Because we kissed?" he asked her, she stood there silent but her face was a bright scarlet. Which made Syaoran chuckled, "No Sakura. I am not mad that we kissed." he paused for a moment and tilted her chin to see her face. There was a youthful sparkle in her eyes that confirmed her feelings for him. "I liked it.. actually... a lot." he said, his voice became huskier.

Sakura blinked, "R-Really?" she saw him nod many times. "You know.. Shaoran..." she mused, as she reached for his hands. "I never dated." she said, closing her eyes while smiling and squeezed his hands. Syaoran's eyes widened in shock. He continuously stared at her but his mind went numb. "Even as I am famous, I refused to date... I didn't move on.. I didn't change, Shaoran-kun.. I waited for you.. and it was worth the wait." 

Syaoran heavily gulped, feeling very queasy; the guilt was just too much for him to bear. Sakura... he thought. And then the next question Sakura asked was the one question he dreaded for years to hear.

"How about you, Shaoran-kun?" she opened her eyes, looking deeply at him. "Did... you ever.. move on?"

"Ah.. I..." Syaoran paused and took a deep breath, but before he could answer her, the Ferris wheel booth's door opened and they both realized that their ride already ended a long time ago. "Sakura, you wanna go home now?" Syaoran asked, quickly changing the subject.

Completely forgetting about what she asked earlier, she answered, "Yeah, alright."

Xu excitedly screamed in the midst of a quiet store. Atami and Tomoyo cringed and covered their ears with their hands. How they both wished for earplugs badly.


"Xu.. calm down.. please.. just relax."

"OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!" she kept jumping while yelling.

"You need to relax-" Atami said but was interrupted by Tomoyo.

"That is not relaxing." Tomoyo said, shaking her head but smiling.

Xu was so astonished that she felt as if she was going to pass out from what she just learned. She looked at Tomoyo, "YOU ARE CHERRY BLOSSOM MANAGER?!" she shrieked, and then looked at Atami, "AND YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A CONCERT WITH-WITH CHERRY BLOSSOM?!" she grabbed Atami's clothes and shake him, "THE CHERRY BLOSSOM?! OMG TACHI! PLEASE! PLEASE!!! LET ME MEET HER IN PERSON! I ADORE HER SOOO MUCH! SHE IS MY IDOL!"

"Ugh..." Atami groaned, 

Tomoyo giggled. "Okay, so based from your reaction and your appearance, I can honestly say that you are a fan of Cherry Blossom." 

Xu nodded, she reached out for Tomoyo's hands and squeezed it. "I AM HER NUMBER ONE FAN!" Xu practically shrieked out the word, "ONE".

How Rabid... Tomoyo felt something's wrong when Xu held her hands. But her genuine smile turned into a fake one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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